Council of Deans of Health announce 2025 Spring Conference


The Council of Deans of Health’s Spring Conference will focus on shaping the future of clinical academia and healthcare education

The Council of Deans of Health – which represents the UK’s university faculties engaged in education and/or research for nursing, midwifery and the allied health professions – has announced the launch of its 2025 Spring Conference, scheduled for April 1, 2025, at the Congress Centre, London. This event will bring together Karin Smyth MP, Minister of State for Health as keynote speaker, and esteemed experts from the fields of clinical academia and healthcare education to engage in important discussions on the future of these sectors.

This year’s conference will feature an array of distinguished speakers who are shaping the future of clinical academia and healthcare education. One of the key highlights will be Professor Dame Jessica Corner, Executive Chair of Research England at UKRI, who will share crucial insights and recommendations stemming from the clinical academic workforce task and finish Group. Her presentation will focus on how we can best support clinical academics in the evolving healthcare landscape.

Additionally, Rob Stroud, Director of Assessment Services and Access to Higher Education at the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, will provide an in-depth overview of recent changes to the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s (NMC) education quality assurance process.

Elizabeth Fenton OBE, Director of Nursing and Midwifery at NHS England, will discuss the findings of the educator survey. This will offer valuable insights into the current state of the healthcare educator workforce, informed by data contributed by the Council’s members.

Additional speakers include:

  • Professor Anne-Maree Keenan OBE, Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation, University of Leeds; Academic Capacity Development Lead, NIHR Leeds BRC
  • Beverley Harden MBE, Deputy Chief Allied Health Professions Officer, NHS England
  • Dr Simon Cassidy, Head of Placement Experience and Improvement, HEIW
  • Professor Jane Coad, Professor in Children and Family Nursing, The University of Nottingham; Chair, Clinical Academic Roles Implementation Network
  • Hugh Tregoning, Professional Liaison Consultant, Health and Care Professions Council

Event details:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025
  • Time: 09:30 – 17:00
  • Location: Congress Centre, London, WC1B 3LS

The conference will provide ample opportunity for networking and collaborative discussions, ensuring participants can engage with experts and peers in meaningful ways throughout the day.

For more information and to register, visit this link and follow the Council of Deans of Health on social media. We look forward to welcoming you to our 2025 Spring Conference.

News, Upcoming Events

Council of Deans of Health announces the Digital Summit 2025


This content was published in partnership with the Council of Deans of Health

The Council of Deans of Health is delighted to announce the Digital Summit 2025, set to take place at Woburn House in London. This prestigious event will convene leaders from the healthcare higher education sector to explore and address the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age.

The summit will delve into the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and other technological advancements on healthcare higher education and research. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to hear from esteemed speakers, engage in dynamic panel discussions, and participate in thought-provoking conversations. The event is designed to foster collaboration and highlight innovative solutions poised to revolutionise healthcare delivery and education.

Throughout the Summit, healthcare educators, innovators, and partners will collaborate to address pressing issues and learn how to effectively implement digital solutions that support the health and care workforce while enhancing services for individuals seeking health and care.

The Digital Summit will examine the future of healthcare higher education in the era of digitisation and AI, focusing on the impact of AI on education, research, health services, and the broader healthcare system. Guided by leading experts, attendees will gain valuable insights into the latest developments and engage in discussions on critical questions facing the sector and society.

Confirmed speakers

Key topics to be discussed

  • Benefits, opportunities and challenges of AI
  • Research and evidence surrounding AI
  • Regulation of AI
  • Advances in simulation and digital pedagogical methods

Target audience:

  • Senior strategic leaders from the healthcare higher education sector
  • Professors and researchers
  • Senior government officials
  • Representatives from regulatory and professional bodies

Join us at the Digital Summit 2025 to be part of the conversation shaping the future of healthcare higher education. For more information and to register, please visit this link.

Contact: If you have any questions, please email

News, Upcoming Events

Q&A with Dame Elizabeth Anionwu


Professor Dame Elizabeth Nneka Anionwu is Emeritus Professor of Nursing at the University of West London and Life Patron of the Mary Seacole Trust.

As the first sickle cell nurse in the UK, Dame Elizabeth Anionwu is credited with blazing a trail in the treatment of the disease.

Ahead of her keynote address at the Skills for Health’s Our Health Heroes Awards on 16 April, Dame Elizabeth spoke about her contributions to the world of healthcare and why it’s important to recognise and celebrate those of the wider healthcare workforce.

Dame Elizabeth, you’ve had a long and successful career in healthcare, as a clinician, academic and advocate for the treatment of sickle cell disease and thalassaemia. What attracted you to a career in healthcare in the first place?

I was in a children’s home for the first nine years of my life, and I’d always suffered with eczema as a child.

I received excellent care from a nun, a nursing nun, who was the only person that could change my dressings without hurting me. She also had a huge sense of humour and she used to use words like ‘bottom’ in a very religious environment, which as a child made me burst out laughing.

I sensed that this was a kind, caring woman who wanted to avoid hurting me. And then I discovered she was something called a nurse and I thought, nurse, I like the idea of that.

That’s when I decided I wanted to be a nurse and I never changed my mind at all.

I started as a school nurse assistant when I was 16, working in what was then called a residential school for delicate children. It was run in collaboration between the NHS and the local authority for children with conditions like cerebral palsy, asthma and heart conditions.

I went into higher education from working as a sickle cell nurse in the community to the Department of Nursing in a university for the last 10 years of my career.

During that time, I retained links with community nursing, but also with acute nursing by having a clinical link in an NHS Trust on a ward involved with the care of patients with sickle cell disease.

I felt it was very important not to lose touch with the clinical side, so I continued to practice.

You can’t educate students if you are not up to date and involved with care yourself personally.

Looking back on your career, what would you say is your proudest achievement?

My proudest achievement was becoming the very first sickle cell nurse.

Because it was an innovative position, seen as pioneering at the time, I could actually develop quite a lot of it in the way that fitted my ideals of multidisciplinary activity.

I’ve always enjoyed working in a multidisciplinary context and very much in alignment with patients and their families.

I worked in that post for 10 years and it really was the most enjoyable period of my career.

And what’s the legacy of that work in the NHS today, do you think?

There are many, many more sickle cell nurse practitioners, so that’s very good to see.

The value of the nursing contribution, both in the community and in the acute sector, has grown, and that that really wasn’t the case when I first started.

Up until a couple of decades ago probably, sickle cell was very marginalised and quite neglected in terms of its status, if you like, within the hierarchy of illnesses.

That has changed. There’s still work to be done, of course, but I’m delighted that nurses have played their role along with other professionals and families to ensure that the disease is fully understood, and treatment is available across the country.

I’m one of the patrons of The Sickle Cell Society, the national charity, so I am constantly aware that there are still areas that need to be improved, where there’s been, sadly, for example, a couple of deaths that shouldn’t have happened.

I mean, that’s the worst that can happen. They’ve all been taken seriously. They’ve all been investigated. When that happens, thankfully, it’s rare, but it jolts you to realise there’s still work to be done.

For example, nurses need much more education and that is now happening as a result of one of the tragedies. So, you’re never complacent, but you do recognise where improvements have definitely been made. I mean, the prognosis, the life expectancy for individuals with the condition has improved tremendously.

That in itself is a massive step forward.

The Our Health Heroes Awards celebrates the healthcare roles that are often hidden from view. Why do you think it’s important to celebrate this part of the workforce in particular?

Oh, I think it’s vital.

Without them, quality care for patients simply couldn’t happen.

If porters could not take a patient from the accident and emergency department to the ward or if the cleaners are not able to do their work properly the whole system fails.

Following the pandemic, it is even more vital that we say thank you and take time to appreciate the workforce.

They’re not looking for appreciation, but when they’ve had to struggle it not only affects them personally, but their families and their colleagues.

That’s why a celebration is needed – there are some amazing people working in the NHS and we need to let them know that they are appreciated.

Finally, what’s your message to the Our Health Heroes finalists?

First of all, good luck to everybody!

You have all done amazingly in being nominated for the awards, and I cannot wait to see you on 16 April to thank you personally for your contribution to our NHS.

Dame Elizabeth’s memoirs ‘Dreams From My Mother’ were published in 2021 and are available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook editions.

News, Upcoming Events

Rising costs, hidden risks: the unseen epidemic of wound care


On Monday 26th February 2024, Public Policy Projects (PPP) held a webinar to reflect on the PPP 2023 wound care programme, ‘Going Further For Wound Healing’ and to discuss the priorities for wound care in 2024.

Wound care represents the third highest expense for the NHS, after cancer and diabetes, and cost the NHS £8.3 billion in 2017/18. PPP’s webinar provided a platform for stakeholders to address critical aspects of wound care, emphasising collaboration, the challenges with engaging primary care and the urgent need to improve commissioning practices.

Chaired by PPP Chair, the Rt. Hon Stephen Dorrell, the panel included Kirsi Isoherranen, who serves as the Head of Helsinki Wound Healing Centre at Helsinki University Hospital and President of the European Wound Management Association (EWMA), Christine O’Conner, the National Commercial Strategy Lead at Coloplast, Naseer (Nas) Ahmad, a Consultant Vascular Surgeon at Manchester University Foundation Trust, and David Lawson, the Director of Strategy at the Medical Technology Directorate within the Department of Health and Social Care.

Experts stressed the need for integrated care boards (ICBs) to address the escalating costs of wound care and the importance of upskilling staff to prioritise healing over mere wound maintenance. One of the delegates stated: “We must change the conversation from management to healing; we can heal wounds!” Kirsi Isoherranen emphasised during the discussion that the “cheapest wound is the healed wound”.

Addressing “the delusion” that dressing spend constitutes the bulk of wound care costs, Christine O’Connor clarified that the majority of primary expense lies in the resources allocated to healthcare professionals, particularly community and practice nurses. O’Connor emphasised the need for commissioners to recognise the financial and capacity benefits of prioritising wound care.

David Lawson higlighted challenges of innovation adoption within the NHS, emphasising the need to move beyond pilot phases to scale adoption. He advocated for prioritising value-based procurement principles to understand the true value of products. He highlighted initiatives such as developing a draft methodology for applying these principles and actively managing the listing of products to prioritise value. The goal, Lawson argued, is to bring about a culture change in the procurement community and ensure that changes do not burden industry unnecessarily.

Effecting system level change

Speakers also highlighted successful initiatives undertaken in Greater Manchester ICB to include wound care as a strategic objective for the ICB. Nas Ahmad argued that, by re-evaluating traditional practices and leveraging a multidisciplinary approach, significant improvements can be made without additional resources. Results from the five-year initiative demonstrated a reduction in amputations, with a 42 per cent decrease observed in Salford alone. The strategy involved shifting the language from wound care to amputations, emphasising equality and reducing inequality in outcomes.

This approach facilitated engagement with commissioners and enabled wound care integration into Greater Manchester’s five-year strategy. The success factors included fostering a unified vision among stakeholders, optimising resource allocation by eliminating non-essential practices, and enhancing skillsets through training. This prompted a delegate to add: “A blue print for ICBs for joined-up, cross-organisational wound care would be good; [one] that describes the opportunity and the building blocks to implementing change.”

PPP advocacy as a vehicle for change

Another key aspect highlighted in the webinar was the collaboration between the European Wound Management Association (EWMA) and PPP, and EWMA, through PPP’s advocacy, research, expert panels, and cooperation can enhance wound care. Kirsi Isoherranen, President of EWMA, emphasised the importance of implementing wound care guidelines, particularly in primary care where early diagnostics play a crucial role.

O’Connor emphasised: “The PPP conference and roundtables were absolutely a major breakthrough in terms of moving the agenda forward. I think this has been a great opportunity to build on what’s been done previously. Commitment of industry is 100 per cent there to support the direction of travel. We need to go in and bring more”. In conclusion, the recent PPP webinar on wound care highlighted the critical need for collaboration, innovation, and improved commissioning practices to enhance patient outcomes and optimise healthcare resources

Nas Ahmad higlighted: “I’ve been to quite a few conferences, and this was one of the first conferences where we had such a multidisciplinary approach. We had people not only from nursing, but also from commissioners, finance and various other people there. So for the first time we had everybody in the same room for a detailed discussion about how we can actually move things forward. I think this is one of the strengths of PPP. So congratulations on all you have done.”

Turning knowledge into action

Echoing points made throughout the webinar, the Rt. Hon Stephen Dorrell emphasised the significant impact of effective wound care on healthcare delivery and patient well-being, highlighting the need to address the financial and human costs associated with inadequate wound care. He stressed the importance of professional and economic incentives for delivering high-quality services. He also highlighted the challenge of transforming “knowledge into action”, and the importance of “identifying and implementing best practices to improve patient outcomes and optimise healthcare resources”.

Similarly, a Chief Executive of a community service emphasised: “You need to commission early intervention in primary care. Currently, many GP practices do not believe they are commissioned to provide lower limb wound management.” This was supported by Kirsi Isoherranen, who added: “I totally agree with this point; the secret lies in primary care. EWMA now has a GP network that we aim to grow and similar teams exist for nurses. Education and implementation of guidelines, including prevention guidelines. Pharmacists and physiotherapists also play a role with dressings and compression.”

Additionally, Emma Deakin from compression solutions manufacturer Sigvaris emphasised the importance of prevention through early compression intervention and application and the need to improve clinician confidence and knowlegde to avoid delay in treatment. She added that here is a long way to go still (and that patient empowerment and education will also be needed), until patients can self-manage and take responsibility for their health.

Contributors shared their perspectives on the need for specialisation in wound care education; the role of GPs; the importance of multidisciplinary care, data collection and analysis; patient advocacy; and the need for a whole-system approach to wound care.

One participant, Tracy Vernon, Clinical Nurse Manager at Coloplast Wound Care, said: “ The challenge we have is the data quality we have to date varies significantly. Without time and investment to our HCPs, their confidence and competency is sub optimal in parts – hence the huge variation and health inequalities we see nationally.”

Contibutors also addressed challenges such as insufficient education for medical students, lack of data, and the need for better adoption of known effective practices. The discussion underscored the urgency of addressing these challenges to improve wound care outcomes and reduce harm to patients.

Health.IO’s Thariea Whisker, Director of Minuteful for Wound Services U.K. commented: “Yes we have seen commissioning gaps for wound care in our discussions with our NHS partners. We need to remember that wound care is not in a GP contract in real time and that it needs to possibly be adopted as a PCN initiative and significant upskilling and educational support is needed.”

What is next:

PPP’s second public webinar on wound care will build on this discussion. Held on 25th March, 5pm, it will be chaired by the Rt. Hon Lord Hunt of Kings Heath, OBE, and Former President of the Royal Society for Public Health, and will focus on the unmet needs in wound care, highlighting the key takeaways from PPP’s 2023 programme. These included fostering collaboration by breaking down professional silos, enhancing better commissioning of wound care and raising the patient voice.

Lord Hunt will be joined by a panel of speakers including Pioneer Wound Clinics Medical Director, Steven Jeffrey, who will give his perspective on what PPP’s programme achieved in 2023 and what he considers priorities for 2024, including driving improvements in services and the importance of research.

Andrea Keady, Health Economics Lead at 3M, will discuss how the PPP programme has helped to bring a community of thought leaders together, both from within and outside the wound care community and how this is helping to break down silos and grow the involvement of the National Pharmacy Association, commissioners, and NHSE leads.

Alison Hopkins, Chief Executive of Accelerate CIC will explore how the programme helped support change locally in Northeast London ICB and the challenges faced by wound care leaders like her trying to raise wound care as a priority at ICB level. She will discuss inequalities data and how it can help us understand the challenges facing patients and systems.

Victoria Townsend, Programme Director – Population Health Manager at Lincolnshire ICS, will reflect on what she learnt from PPP’s 2023 programme and what she considers priorities for wound care in 2024, including using population health data can help highlight inequalities in wound care and how wound care links to ICB priorities.

PPP’s 2024 Wound Care Programme

The valuable discussions from these webinars will be continued in the PPP Wound Care Programme. This programme will include four, virtual invitation-only roundtables, with an insights report produced for each roundtable featuring ICS case studies and capturing findings and recommendations. The programme will culminate in a large scale, in-person conference towards the end of 2024 which will include panel discussions, debates, networking and more. We will end the programme with the launch of the PPP 2024 Wound Care report.

Key themes of our 2024 Programme will address:

  • Innovation, prevention and inequalities
  • Wound care case studies delivered by ICS senior leaders
  • Commissioning wound care effectively and leadership in wound care
  • Pharmacy and the role of medicines professionals in wound care
  • Integrating wound care and breaking down silos
  • Workforce and harm

To be involved as a sponsor or speaker in the PPP Wound Care Programme 2024, please contact Ameneh Saatchi on

News, Upcoming Events

Registration for Health Plus Care has now gone live


CloserStill Media, organisers of Health Plus Care, taking place at ExCeL London on 26-27 April, are thrilled to announce that registration is now live. As part of Health Plus Care, there are three co-branded shows: The Healthcare Show, Digital Healthcare Show and The Residential & Home Care Show.

The Health Plus Care show is the most significant and innovative UK event for healthcare professionals looking to revolutionise the healthcare and social care sectors. The Health Plus Care show is the ideal platform for you to talk about your successes, promote best practice and be a part of key discussions with the UK’s most senior healthcare leaders.

Your team will be meeting senior policy makers from NHS providers, integrated care systems, local authorities and primary care. The event offers the opportunity to generate new leads and have a unique opportunity to meet top decision makers face to face across two days at the show.

With only the most up to date content exploring the latest developments across healthcare and social care, the three shows will educate across various different streams, with a carefully curated and thought-provoking agenda.

Health Plus Care in 2022

The whole of Health Plus Care is free to attend and fully CPD certified to meet your educational needs. This is a topical and timely event, where you’re able to meet your peers in person and come away refreshed with ideas and examples you can implement in your organisation.

FREE tickets for all healthcare and care professionals are available to book here.

The organisers, CloserStill Media, specialise in global professional events within the healthcare and technology markets. The healthcare portfolio includes some of the UK’s fastest growing and award-winning events, such as The Clinical Pharmacy Congress, The Dentistry Show, The Pharmacy Show, Best Practice and Acute & General Medicine.

It is a market leading innovator. With its teams and international events, it has won multiple awards, including Best Marketer – five times in succession – Best Trade Exhibition, Best Launch Exhibition, and Sunday Times Top 100 Companies to Work For – four years in series – among others.

CloserStill Media delivers unparalleled quality and relevant audiences for all its exhibitions, delivering NHS and private sector healthcare professionals from across occupational therapy, pharmacy, dentistry, primary and secondary care with more than £16m worth of free training.

For more information please contact –

Exhibition and speaker enquiries:

Michael Corbett –

Marketing enquiries:

Sabrina Travers –

News, Upcoming Events

Driving change in 2023: The Cleaning Show unites industry experts to discuss latest trends


Recruitment, training and sustainability are among the notable trends set to be discussed at The Cleaning Show 2023, which returns to the ExCeL, London, from 14-16 March 2023.

Recruitment, training and sustainability are among the notable trends set to be discussed at The Cleaning Show 2023, which returns to the ExCeL, London, from 14-16 March 2023.

Under the banner ‘The Cleaning Sector in 2023 – Driving Change’, the full line-up of this year’s conference programme is now available online, highlighting the topics and speakers set to encourage learning, discussion and debate around the key topics facing a modern cleaning and hygiene sector, buoyed by greater public and political recognition earned during the Covid-19 crisis.

Expert speakers from across the sector – including members of leading trade associations and industry organisations – will take a deep dive into a range of topics including recruitment pressures post-Brexit, training and education, sustainability and climate change, employee wellbeing, technology and more. Attendees can also join keynote sessions presented by representatives from Dettol Pro Solutions and highlights from the CSSA’s ‘Innovation Showcase’ programme.

Looking to the future

To kick start the conference programme, Jim Melvin, Chairman of the British Cleaning Council (BCC), will review the BCC’s stated aims in his session The Cleaning Sector Post-Pandemic – Progress, Obstacles and the Future (14 March, 11:00). Here, Jim will review the successes and failures of the past 12 months, the key priorities moving forward.

Also discussing the future of the industry, Paul Ashton, Chairman of the CSSA, will be joined by representatives from Infogrid, Softbank and ICE to discuss The future of cleaning – The role of data in driving positive change (14 March, 12:00). This session will help attendees understand the significance of data, the key benefits and how to overcome related challenges.

Paul Ashton will return on day two with representatives from Birkin, Bunzl and OCS to delve into The future of cleaning – How technology is creating career opportunities (15 March, 12:00). Here, the panel will answer questions such as, ‘why did they choose to work in the industry?’, ‘How do they see the industry changing because of technology?’, ‘What technology do they feel will have the biggest impact?’ and more.

Meanwhile, a new panel discussion for this year’s event will honour Hygiene innovation for the future (15 March, 14:00). It will be moderated by Louisa Moore, communications and sustainability leader, Kimberly-Clark Professional EMEA who will guide panellists through the trends – good and bad – that have emerged, along with the biggest challenges now facing the industry.

Closing the Conference Theatre on day one, three CSSA Innovation Showcase finalists will take to the stage for the CSSA Innovation Showcase Presentations – The future of cleaning (14 March, 15:00), to provide an overview of their innovation and explain how it is relevant to the future of the industry, including the key benefits.

Addressing emerging trends

Sustainability and climate change in the cleaning sector remains top of the agenda for many businesses and brands, as well as rising in consumer expectations. Other trends making an impact on the industry up for discussion during this year’s programme include recruitment pressures post-Brexit, obstacles within training and education and employee wellbeing.

From The Cleaning Show 2022

Nina Wyers, marketing and brand director, The Floorbrite Group will address the issue of climate change and the role of the cleaning sector in reducing its impact during her session, Cleaning for climate change (15 March, 10:30). Elsewhere, Delia Cannings, Director at Environmental Excellence Training Development Ltd., and deputy chair of the British Cleaning Council (BCC), will stress the importance of training for cleaning and hygiene operatives to reduce risk factors whilst creating safer spaces. During her presentation. Education opportunities for the cleaning industry (15 March, 11:00), she will provide visitors with an understanding of the value of training, designed to assist with succession planning for the future.

Also urging the value of employees and the significance of front line workers in the cleaning sector, Kelsey Hargreaves, BICSc youth ambassador, will address the difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff in her session, Youth employment: Less talking, more action (14 March, 14:00). Kelsey will explore how and why the industry fails to attract a new generation of cleaning professionals, exploring the ways in which the sector can combat issues with youth employment.

Facing the truth

Other highlights of the programme will see a technical presentation led by Peter Thistlethwaite, technical projects manager at MSL Solution Providers, who will inform attendees on two of the most popular techniques of decontaminating cleanrooms: ultraviolet light systems and automated chemical misting (airborne automated disinfection systems). With recent changes to regulations concerning both of these decontamination systems, visitors are invited to join Peter in his session, Whole-room disinfection – the impact of changes to regulations, on 16 March, 10:30 to learn more.

Meanwhile, Elise Craig, programme manager of the Living Wage Foundation and Dominic Ponniah, CEO at Cleanology will discuss the living wage in Paying a wage based on the cost of living – why it’s the right thing to do for your staff and for your business (16 March, 11:00), while Fiona Bowman, Managing Director for Dysart 57 Ltd. will return to the stage following her 2022 session, Hidden in plain sight (16 March, 11:00). She will offer advice on how to support staff experiencing domestic abuse.

Neil Nixon, conference director for the Cleaning Show 2023, said: “Knowledge and learning are at the heart of the modern cleaning and hygiene sectors – learning from experience gained during the pandemic, learning from each other, and learning from mistakes made. The cleaning sector has been re-energised by its role during the pandemic, and the agenda continues to be driven by a strong and determined British Cleaning Council.

“This conference will promote discussion and debate on what has been achieved, what needs to be done, and what resources are available in meeting the objectives of a critical sector providing an essential service at a time of limited budgets and recruitment challenges. This year more than ever engagement is key to ensuring that the cleaning sector continues its current upwards trajectory.”

Paul Sweeney, Event Director, The Cleaning Show, added: “The cleaning industry is at a crucial turning point, with many suppliers and manufacturers tackling the ongoing issues of the cost-of-living crisis amongst other global problems. We are thrilled to welcome the industry’s experts to the Conference Theatre in March to hear about the latest trends and challenges.

“I am confident visitors will leave with a greater understanding of the efforts being made to adapt to the new challenges faced, embracing the tools and strategies to overcome them with a fresh outlook on what is achievable. The cleaning and hygiene sectors are filled with so many new and exciting opportunities. We’re excited to see people reconnect at the show and immerse themselves in the future of this highly valuable and exciting industry.”

Registration for The Cleaning Show 2023 is now open. To register for your free pass to attend and to find out more about this year’s event, visit

News, Upcoming Events

If integrated care is to be delivered locally, then it must be discussed locally

ICS roadshow

Public Policy Project’s ICS Roadshow offers the only opportunity for the wider health and care community to identify challenges and opportunities of integrated care at a truly local level.

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Now that integrated care systems (ICSs) are officially here, it’s time to maximise their value by tapping into their strengths. That is, delivering localised, personalised high-quality care for local citizens and reducing health inequality.

For these systems to bear fruit and make meaningful impacts on the nation’s increasingly complex health challenges, then discourse surrounding integrated care must become more granular. If this is indeed to be ‘national policy delivered locally’, then visiting specific regions and assessing their progress and challenges at a local level will surely be the most effective means to scale success.

Building to a localised approach

The arrival of integrated care systems (ICS) as statutory bodies earlier this month marked the beginning of the UK’s journey towards reframing health and care. Bringing together the NHS, local authorities and the third sector to allocate resources and deliver care to patients, the strength of the ICS is its ability to adapt to a region’s needs.

Central to both the NHS Long Term Plan and Health and Care Act, the 42 ICSs that span across England are all comprised of integrated care boards (ICBs) and integrated care partnerships (ICPs). While the ICB’s essential function is to deliver NHS services in the ICS area, an ICP works to develop and deliver the ICS strategy with a broad range of local stakeholders.

The ICS itself works over three levels – the first being the system level, across which the ICP and ICB work, and where the broad strategy for an ICS area is planned and delivered. The second level is the ‘place’ level, at which localised services and community care are planned in close conjunction with local Health and Wellbeing Boards. The third is neighbourhoods, or localities, which focus on specific areas within places – such neighbourhood organisations include primary care networks. This allows ICSs to respond to needs of specific communities or demographics that may find themselves underrepresented even at the ‘place’ level.

The delivery of health and care within an ICS, as such, will require the ICP to work across all three levels of the ICS area to accurately assess need and develop individualised plans of action. The ICB, too, will need to work closely with stakeholders at every level to ensure their provision of care is maximally responsive. Accordingly, even though the ICS model allows for a more personalised delivery of care than its predecessors, there is a pressing need for stakeholders at every level to establish collaborative working relationships – both within and without their own ICS area.

The PPP ICS Roadshow will take place across five cities across the UK, and will serve as an opportunity for members and stakeholders in local ICSs to discuss their roles in delivering fairer, more adaptive and responsive health and care systems.

The ICS Roadshow will be a valuable opportunity for the members and stakeholders of nearby ICSs to connect, share expertise and best practice, and collaborate with organisations from further afield. It will also, however, serve to showcase the diversity of health and care challenges across the UK – and the need for ICSs to equip themselves to deal with these challenges accordingly.

Below is a brief profile of each of the stops on the ICS Roadshow, outlining the diversity of health and care challenges different ICSs must approach and showcasing their potential to respond to acute needs within their areas.


  • 40 per cent of Birmingham and 12 per cent of Solihull residents live in the most deprived communities in Britain.

Birmingham is demographically one of the most diverse regions in the UK. It is also one of the most socially and economically deprived. This poses a unique set of health and care challenges, particularly as communities may find themselves isolated or underrepresented for myriad social, cultural and economic factors.

Birmingham will be the first stop of the ICS Roadshow and will host systems leaders from the Birmingham and Solihull ICS and Black Country and West Birmingham ICS. The session will not only be an opportunity to discuss how people can be empowered by integrated care, but how these systems can best modify and develop themselves to respond to the needs of their evolving demographics.


  • Bristol reports a higher rate of common mental health conditions than the rest of England, at20.7 per cent, versus 15.5 per cent across the rest of England.

Bristol boasts a high healthy life expectancy, low levels of cancer, and an infant mortality rate that is one of the lowest in the country. However, Bristol still faces unique challenges from an ICS perspective. With the second highest suicide rate in the country, the Healthier Together Partnership (an ICS which accounts for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire) has made developing mental health services of all varieties a key priority.

Bristol also has the second highest rate of diabetes in the country, and an ageing population. As such, preventative, early intervention and holistic care system are a particular priority in the region, and are likely to be especially well served by work at the neighbourhood level which focuses on outreach to the elderly.

The Healthier Together Partnership also presides over an area with an acute shortage in its care capacity, having the lowest number of G&A and CC beds per capita in the country. Utilising the ICS effectively to relieve pressures on staff and deliver care more effectively and efficiently will, as such, be crucial to the ICS. Accordingly, this session will be of keen interest to ICS stakeholders seeking to find solutions to capacity problems.


  • As one of the early adopters of the ICS model, and operating under a devolution settlement, the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership already has more than 5 years’ experience serving 2.8 million people living across ten boroughs.

As one of the first ICS systems in the country, the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership already boasts a robust governance structure that serves as an example of the potential of the ICS framework.

More than two thirds of early deaths in the Greater Manchester region are the result of preventable causes, such as smoking, alcohol dependency, poor diet or air pollution. As a result, the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership has embarked on a series of targeted campaigns designed to promote healthier lifestyle choices, improve access to support, and directly engage with the communities most affected.

The delivery of these programmes has relied on Greater Manchester’s strong system of governance, which has established protocols for governance and accountability that deliver the consistency of delivery that other ICSs will strive towards in the coming years. This session will be a valuable opportunity to see how the ICS model can be leveraged to address community-specific issues, and how the frameworks to deliver that support should look.


  • There has unfortunately been a rise in the infant mortality rate in Leeds since 2013/15, and a persistent gap in outcomes between more deprived areas of Leeds and Leeds overall.

The West Yorkshire ICS, who PPP will host at the fourth instalment of the ICS Roadshow, is a prime example of the importance of ICPs within an ICS. There are significant inequalities between the more deprived areas of Leeds and Leeds overall – the third highest in the country – and there is a significant geographical element to this inequality. As such, the role of ‘place’ level leaders will be instrumental to closing the gap and delivering better health and care outcomes within the ICS.

The West Yorkshire ICS is currently prioritising the delivery of improvements to infant mortality and reducing mortality amongst those living with learning disabilities and autism. This instalment of the roadshow will accordingly develop insight into how ICSs can rise to the challenge of delivering highly personalised care based on a social model for health.


  • In 2019-20, those in the 90th net income percentile in London took home 10.8 times more than those in the 10th net income percentile.

The final date of the ICS Roadshow will see PPP play host to the 5 ICSs that serve London. While London faces several unique health and care challenges due to its size and diversity, lessons from the development of London’s ICSs will be valuable to system leaders across the country.

London’s extreme wealth inequality, and the geographical proximity of some of its most affluent and most deprived areas mean that its ICS systems will arguably have the largest gaps in care to close – and how they adapt their governance and outreach across the three ICS levels will be key. Each of its ICS systems are actively working to develop systems of care that reach diverse and often fragmented local communities, and the final instalment of the roadshow will be an opportunity to share their best practice.

The ICS Roadshow kicks off on September 13th and runs through to November 1st 2022. To find out how to get invovled, please visit our ICS Roadshow homepage.

News, Partners, Upcoming Events

One week to go until The Healthcare Show opens its doors

The Healthcare Show

CloserStill Media, organisers of The Healthcare Show, taking place at ExceL London on 18-19 May 2022, are delighted to announce that over 3,000 healthcare professionals are registered to attend the largest, senior gathering of UK healthcare leaders.

Don’t miss out on your chance to attend The Healthcare Show, two days full of opportunities to increase your industry knowledge through CPD accredited content and to network with both old and new peers and learn about the latest products and services. Bringing thousands of senior healthcare managers and clinicians together who are striving to transform care and improve quality against a backdrop of Covid-19, it’s an event not to be missed.

Healthcare professionals can secure their free tickets online here

The Healthcare Show are extremely excited to open their doors again this year with a variety of new theatres and a fully booked exhibition hall. You will have ample prospects to develop professionally and examine the effects of Covid-19 within the healthcare sector.

Show highlights:

  • Louise Minchin, broadcaster and journalist, to chair the Healthcare Keynote Theatre
  • Co-located with the Digital Healthcare Show and The Residential & Home Care Show
  • Incorporating The National Association of Link Workers Conference and Awards Ceremony
  • Brand new theatres for The Healthcare Show 2022 include the Transformation Theatre, Clinical Priorities Theatre and Care Quality and Efficiency Theatre
  • Incorporating The Patient Safety and Infection Prevention Show
  • Patient Safety Learning Partner Lounge will offer a platform to share a combination of tools, resources, case studies and best practice
  • Meet CQC inspectors across health and social care at their Meet the Inspectors Hub and put all your burning questions to them

The programme is available to view here (subject to change).

Sponsorship is also now also open for the event. Should you wish to sponsor, speak or exhibit at The Healthcare Show please contact Mike Corbett on:

For delegate enquiries, please contact Imogen Scott on