July 15, 2024
Harnessing innovation to deliver medicines optimisation at scale
In this case study, Meera Parkash, Clinical Facilitator, Population Health Management at Optum UK, discusses how medicines optimisation can help free up pharmacy capacity and deliver key improvements to population health management.
March 15, 2024
Rehab for all: fixing the NHS rehab access gap
ICU nurse and creator of the Right to Rehab Campaign, Kate Tantam, shares her perspective on the importance of universal access to rehabilitation in the NHS.
March 14, 2024
Unpacking cancer disparities in England
Despite major gains in diagnosis and treatment, England continues to experience high disparities in cancer outcomes, with social and financial deprivation major drivers.
September 21, 2023
Transforming leg ulcer service provision
It is estimated that more than a million people in the UK have lower limb ulceration. With their 160 years' experience in developing wound care solutions, L&R hypothesised that a self-care delivery model could both improve outcomes and ease the burden on the healthcare system.

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Integrated Care Journal
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  • ISSN: 2517-2662