News, Workforce

GMC urges removal of barriers to help tackle NHS workforce crisis


The rules preventing thousands of doctors from being deploying deployed to areas of high patient demand must be removed to help tackle NHS challenges, the General Medical Council has said.

The regulator of doctors in the UK is urging the government to relax rules which dictate the roles that specialty and associate specialist (SAS) and locally employed (LE) doctors can undertake.

Published yesterday, the GMC’s The state of medical education and practice in the UK: workforce report 2022, identifies SAS and LE doctors – who are skilled doctors in non-training roles – as the fastest growing part of the medical workforce and a cohort which may become the largest group in the medical workforce by 2030.

The report argues for a relaxation of current rules to allow these doctors to be deployed to areas of high patient demand, including primary care. Rules such as the Performers List, which details those practitioners approved to work in primary care, can restrict the roles that doctors fulfil.

The number of licensed SAS and LE doctors rose from 45,587 to 63,740 between 2017-2021 – a 40 per cent rise. During the same period, the number of licensed GPs rose from 60,6090 to 65,160 – a 7 per cent rise. It is hoped that allowing more flexibility in the roles that doctors are permitted to undertake will help plug staffing gaps where demand is higher than workforce constraints can accommodate.

According to the Chief Executive of the GMC, Charlie Massey, a change to the rules would also help in the recruitment and retention of doctors, as it would allow for greater flexibility over when and where doctors can work. “Lots of these doctors tell us they want better career development and progression, and to have more flexibility in the positions open to them. But there are barriers that hinder their development, and rules that prevent them fulfilling some important roles,” he said.

The report also shows that many SAS and LE doctors come to the UK after qualifying abroad and are more likely to work for in the NHS for relatively short spells. It is hoped that offering more flexibility and career opportunities to these doctors will persuade more to stay in the UK “make the most of these talented and able doctors”.

Mr Massey added: “These are skilled doctors who do hands on work but are not in training to become a consultant or a GP. Many have made a positive choice to work in non-training and non-specialist roles in secondary care, where they do hugely valuable work.”

“But we know there are significant numbers who want wider opportunities. Systems must adapt to make the most of their talents. We need fresh thinking about how these doctors are deployed, and how they can be best used to benefit patients.”

“Now is the time to discard dated ideas and tap into the skills and experience these doctors provide.”

Building sustainable ICS staffing to weather the workforce crisis


The advent of integrated care systems (ICSs) across the NHS marks an invaluable opportunity to facilitate greater collaboration, efficiency and more joined-up care for patients.

To be successful, this period of transformation needs to be underpinned by a strong, comprehensive workforce strategy that enables staff to be flexibly and safely deployed in line with fluctuating demand.

Amid present staff shortages and rising waiting lists, and with pressures set to grow over winter, this is, unsurprisingly, no easy task for organisations. As managers rightly address these immediate challenges, it’s understandable that little time or capacity is left to support broader workforce transformation. Yet the benefits of a transition to more collaborative ICS-wide staffing have the power to tackle these same challenges in the long-term.

While it may seem like another hurdle for teams who are already facing extreme pressure, there are a number of ways that ICSs can reap these benefits, without compounding workloads or piling additional pressure on staff. Throughout my time working closely with NHS organisations to tackle various workforce challenges, I have found the following steps essential to successfully enabling truly collaborative staffing. I believe they are also the key to unlocking a more sustainable, long-term workforce strategy.

Harnessing the power of collaborative temporary staffing

Temporary staff are crucial to the successful running of an ICS, helping to plug any gaps in rotas across the region. However, currently, when organisations are unable to source clinicians from their own internal staff bank, they must often turn to more costly external agencies to fill vacant shifts. Instead, by building a collaborative network of approved temporary clinicians, organisations can seamlessly tap into a much larger and more flexible contingent workforce from which to reliably fill shifts.

The key to effectively leveraging a collaborative staff bank is enabling compliant digital passporting for all participating clinicians. This means approved workers can passport their credentials across different participating organisations, without having to repeat compliance or background checks. As a result, they can more easily work across a number of different sites and locations and be deployed effectively in line with demand throughout the ICS.

Increasing data oversight

In order to reliably plan ahead, identify staffing gaps and deploy staff where most needed, access to comprehensive data insights is crucial. This means not only enabling managers to view data from within their own organisation, but granting access to pan-regional workforce data from across the entire ICS.

Dynamic data reporting, which provides timely, granular insights into organisational performance, can help measure the success of workforce planning, enable targets to be reliably met and pinpoint areas where improvements can be made. Individual organisations should be able to assess their own performance data and compare this with others in their region. With clear visibility over regional shift fill rates, workforce spend and staffing trends, it becomes easier to identify areas for improvement, while harmonising pay rates and maintaining safe staffing levels in a truly collaborative manner.

Introducing more flexible rostering

When it comes to rostering, the current systems at managers’ disposal are often slow, outdated and require large amounts of manual input. Introducing more streamlined, digital systems which can safely provide staff with greater flexibility and predictability, while reducing the admin burden on managers, can help open the door to more effective ICS-wide rostering in the future.

Rostering clinicians based on skillset rather than title or grade will allow managers to deploy staff more effectively, in line with patient need. This will also give staff the flexibility to safely work in a wider range of roles, in different locations across the ICS, and to access wider professional development opportunities. These are all essential to helping boost retention.

Meanwhile, multi-organisational rostering could begin to allow more efficient deployment of staff to areas of highest need across the ICS. This makes it easier for managers to reliably plan ahead and gives staff greater control over where they work, in line with their personal and other professional commitments.

Prioritising system integration

System integration is a fundamental prerequisite to the success of every single one of these steps. If the systems being used to organise staffing within different organisations are unable to communicate or share data with each other, genuine collaboration will remain out of reach.

When introducing new workforce management systems, organisations should prioritise those which are fully integrated or interoperable, enabling managers to directly share workforce data, rota planning and temporary staffing networks with other organisations throughout the ICS. This reduces the need for manual data input, minimising admin for managers and speeding up the transfer of vital data and information.

As a result, organisations will be able to collaborate in real-time and deploy staff to the most appropriate services in line with evolving ICS-wide demand.

To reap the full rewards of ICS working, facilitating a collaborative, flexible workforce is vital. This transition does not have to be costly, nor add additional burden to managers or organisations. By working together and implementing these four key areas of change, we can lay the foundations for strong, collaborative ICS-wide working, built to weather the challenges which lie ahead.

News, Workforce

Health worker sexual abuse reporting site launched

sexual abuse

Women in Global Health launch #HealthToo Project today, a platform to compile reporting of sexual abuse of health workers.

Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harrasment (SEAH) is a considerably under-reported form of violence healthcare workers face, according to Women in Global Health, an organization that campaigns for the protection of women workers in healthcare settings.

“There is a huge gap in data and research related SEAH in the health and care sector from all regions, with the most serious absence of data is in low- and middle-income countries, where women are reportedly the most affected, ” said Dr Magda Robalo, Global Managing Director, Women in Global Health.

A majority 62 percent of 330,000 health workers across a range of countries reported exposure to work related violence and harassment (WRVH) in a single year, according to the Journal for Occupational and Environmental Medicine. But this data is not disaggregated to separate the SEAH component.

In response, Women in Global Health launch today a new platform and research project entitled “#HealthToo”, to seek, compile and document stories from women health workers who have experienced work-related SEAH. The platform is open for individual story contributions from September 5 to November 30, 2022. By submitting their stories anonymously, women will be able to share their experiences freely without risking job security or personal repercussions in their place of work.

Rarely discussed, under-reported

Currently, a large percentage of women in the global health workforce face discrimination, bias and sexual harassment in their work. In some countries, women also experience WRVH either on the way to work or when engaged in community outreach.

The causes vary: many women face unprotected exposure to sexual and violent acts because perpetrators remain unaccountable in work settings owing to a lack of legal and policy frameworks, poor or no follow up, under reporting due to fear of retribution or issues around standard of proof. Other factors have also contributed to the abuse, including women’s segregation into lower status roles, systemic bias and discrimination in the health care sector.

In several contexts, particularly low- and middle-income countries, there is no legislative framework in place to support gender equality at work and no laws to prohibit and punish sexual discrimination and sexual harassment at work.

“Work-related SEAH in the health workforce is an extension of the gender-based violence against women and girls that we witness every day, and in the vast majority of cases, it is perpetrated by male colleagues, male patients/clients and male members of the community,” said Dr. Robalo.

“The presence of women at all levels…makes an immediate difference.”

Dr Magda Robalo, Global Managing Director, Women in Global Health

If not acted upon urgently and consistently, such acts create unsafe and toxic work environments that affect retention of women staff, reduce their physical and mental health leading to increased healthcare costs and a reduction in the quality of care provided.

By addressing the root causes of gender inequity in the health and care workforce and challenging the power and privilege afforded to men, Women in Global Health aims to contribute to the overall reduction of workplace SEAH in global health and therefore strengthen health systems.

This should be backed with concrete action by decision makers to put appropriate laws and policies in place, including ratification and implementation of the International Labour Organization Convention 190 (cILO 190).

“There is no single pathway to solve sexual exploitation and abuse but the presence of women at all levels from leadership down, coupled with adequate laws and policies makes an immediate difference by creating a conducive, motivating and empowering work environment free of such abuse and discrimination,“ said Dr Robalo.

News, Social Care, Workforce

Social care: a sector now in perpetual crisis 

social care

Association of Directors of Adult Social Services reports dramatic rise in numbers of those seeking review or start of social care provision.

The number of people awaiting review of current provisions, start of a service or direct payment for social care, has increased by 37 per cent from November 2021 to April 2022, according to a count carried out by The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) in 83 councils.

Almost 300,000 people are waiting for an assessment of their needs by social workers, an increase of 90,000 (44 per cent) in five months. One in four has been waiting longer than six months. At this rate, the number waiting can hit 400,000 by November 2022, a two-fold increase from last year.

While demand for care is expected to increase in line with winter pressures, peaking around January and dropping in the spring, the findings from ADASS suggest that the typical ‘cycle’ of system pressure is changing, being replaced by a state of perpetual crisis.

To the outside observer, those stating that social care is in crisis may sound like a broken record. For years now, however, stakeholder groups and think tanks have been warning that crippling staff shortages, precarious pay, working conditions and insufficient funding had left a system on its knees, even before the Covid-19 pandemic hit.

A shrinking (paid) workforce

The crux of the issue is relatively simple, if not profound in scale – as Cathie Williams, ADASS Chief Executive put it: “the big reason why almost 40,000 people are waiting for the care and support they need to actually start is that care providers simply do not have the pairs of hands they need to sustain services.”

A recent PPP report, The Social Care Workforce: Averting a Crisis, quotes a 2021 survey of 2,000 social care services undertaken by the National Care Forum (NCF) that reveals how 74 per cent of providers have experienced an increase in the number of staff leaving since April 2021. Indeed, the vacancy rate for care home providers has nearly doubled in the last year, from 5.9 per cent (in March 2021) to 10.3 per cent (in May 2022).

The NCF survey also states that 50 per cent of those leaving highlighted stress as the main reason for their departure, with 44 per cent citing poor pay. Due to poor retention of the social care workforce, existing employees are experiencing an increase in workload that has not been accompanied by an increase in pay thus far.

Care workers are paid a median hourly rate of £9.50, in line with the National Living Wage. However, a high proportion of these workers are employed on zero hours contracts – 41 per cent of social care workers in London are on such contracts. To that end, social care professionals often leave the sector for less demanding and/or better paid jobs such as retail roles or jobs in the NHS, where similar skills are often more appreciated and rewarded.

ADASS has discovered a similar pattern – almost seven in ten ADASS members surveyed said that care providers in their area had closed or handed back contracts. Many more said they could not meet all needs for care and support because of providers’ inability to recruit and retain staff. The implications of this are significant. When people’s needs are unmet (or unknown), this can place a sizeable burden on their lives and on the lives of unpaid carers who may feel obliged to step in. Indeed, over the last ten years, the number of young people aged 16-25 in England and Wales providing unpaid care to family and loved ones has risen to approximately 350,000.

“The picture is deteriorating rapidly”

Councils are simply overwhelmed. The ADASS Spring Survey found that most councils were facing an increase in numbers of people seeking support: 87 per cent said more were coming forward for help with mental health issues, 67 per cent reported more approaches because of domestic abuse or safeguarding, and 73 per cent reported seeing more cases of breakdowns of unpaid carer arrangements. In addition, 82 per cent of councils were dealing with increased numbers of referrals of people from hospitals and 74 per cent were reporting more referrals or requests for support from the community. To that end, the Health Foundation has estimated that an additional £7.6 billion will be needed to meet demand in 2022/2023.

Sarah McClinton, ADASS President, commented: “These new findings confirm our worst fears for adult social care. The picture is deteriorating rapidly and people in need of care and support to enable them to live full and independent lives are being left in uncertainty, dependency and pain.”

In September 2021, the government announced a new ‘Health and Social Care Levy’, effective April 2023 onwards – a 1.25 per cent increase in National Insurance contributions from employed people as well as pensioners. Yet, now more than ever, policy experts recommend that financial planning and smart allocation, elements that have been lacking in the past, are required to reap the maximum benefits from this additional funding. The Levy, which will aggregate to £5.4 billion over three years, has been reported to fund necessary reforms in the social care sector such as improving staff training and recruitment practices, initiatives for mental health well-being and new avenues for career progression. Yet, many regard this amount as insufficient – according to The Health Foundation, a further £7 billion will be required every year to tackle demographic and inflationary pressures and to increase staff pay.

While it is true that the COVID-19 pandemic significantly worsened the social care crisis, it is only one of the many crises that have exposed and underscored the foundational instability of this system. Since the 2016 Brexit vote, for instance, the vacancy rate of social care workers has increased year-on-year. Prior to this, 1 in 20 social care workers were EEA migrants, and since more than 90 per cent did not have British citizenship, many had to leave England. To mitigate concurrent widespread resignations, the government announced a Health and Care Visa that would help fast-track visa applications for those in the healthcare sector. However, care workers are not categorised in the list of eligible jobs.

More than 600 people are joining waiting lists to be assessed for care and support in England each day. Resolving issues other than funding are key for the successful integration of social care into effective healthcare. Greater efforts should be made for recruiting and retaining social care staff, especially younger people, by improving the pay, workload and working conditions in the sector. Otherwise, broken record or not, the system is in danger of collapse.

News, Workforce

New research finds recruitment crisis threatens to undermine virtual ward revolution

virtual wards

Nearly half of NHS Trusts need to recruit new roles amid sector-wide staffing crisis to enable the effective operation of Virtual Wards.

Freedom of Information Act data obtained by digital health technology provider, Spirit Health, has revealed the scale of the recruitment crisis that threatens to undermine the delivery of NHS England’s virtual ward ambition.

Spirit Health collected data from 107 NHS Trusts across England and found that 40 per cent need to recruit additional staff to support the delivery of virtual wards. The NHS is increasingly pivoting to virtual wards, which are intended to allow people to receive care outside of hospital settings, whether at home or in domiciliary care facilities. The Covid-19 pandemic saw the NHS establish COVID Virtual Wards, and their success has prompted a renewed ambition for their widespread use outside of treating Covid-19.

The acceleration of digital expansion plans is in response to NHS England’s recent mandate for all NHS Trusts to offer 40 to 50 virtual beds per 100,000 population. This ‘comprehensive development of virtual wards’ comes at a time when hospital waiting lists are exceeding 6.6 million, with the Health and Social Care secretary demanding radical action to avoid a winter crisis.

Of Trusts needing to recruit, a third (32.6 per cent) anticipate making appointments across up to three roles, while some Trusts have stated that they expect to recruit new staff in as many as seven different roles before launching a virtual ward.

Of the 31 Trusts that subsequently provided a breakdown of the roles they intend to hire, 84 per cent anticipate hiring Secondary Care Practitioners (such as consultants, therapists, advanced clinical practitioners, and nurses), with a further 29 per cent seeking primary care practitioners (such as GPs and pharmacists). The projected influx of specialised staff underscores the scale of this initiative – and the recruitment challenge that threatens to undermine the successful rollout of virtual wards.

The impact of workforce challenges on the expansion of virtual wards has been felt directly by Spirit Health’s clinical monitoring team. In recent months, its in-house team has experienced an uplift in the number of requests for flexible clinical support to Trusts to deliver digital programmes and help them onboard staff. This latest research comes after a recent report by the Health and Social Care Select Committee which suggested more than 475,000 NHS staff will be needed by early 2030 to deliver vital care, throwing into question how NHS Trusts plan to recruit and retain key staff.1

Healthcare authorities hope that the deployment of virtual wards will significantly reduce these pressures by combatting staff shortages and minimising lengthy discharge times. Initial pilots of the programme have offered promising results already: virtual wards have been proven to deliver a 40.3 per cent reduction in the average length of hospital stay and a 50 per cent reduction in re-admission rates.23 Likewise, Spirit Health’s CliniTouch Vie platform has seen a 67.5 per cent reduction in unscheduled emergency admissions.4

The NHS’s adoption of digital healthcare services is also likely to be motivated by the economic benefits of these proven efficiencies. Virtual wards are expected to save the NHS up to £4,000 per patient stay, whilst CliniTouch Vie alone is predicted to save the health service more than £500,000, by building on the successful virtual ward pilot operation it ran to support Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust.5

These significant savings will go a long way in supporting the NHS workforce of the future – with funding being freed up to be reinvested in both the upskilling of the current workforce and enlistment of new staff to further ease the current strains on the health system.

Speaking about the recruitment crisis that is threatening the implementation of virtual wards, Dr Noel O’Kelly, Clinical Director at Spirit Health, said: “Virtual Wards offer a lifeline to enable the continued delivery of first-rate care and be a strong addition to face-to-face services, which have struggled to keep pace with the current workforce challenges and lengthy patient waiting lists across the health sector.

NHS staffing shortages threaten to undermine the exciting opportunity that virtual wards bring: digital healthcare technology cannot support patients without the necessary specialists to operate it. These findings echo the frustrations that we hear from our partner trusts, who are reporting that workforce challenges are hindering efforts to scale this technology achieve its full potential. We must urgently demonstrate the capacity of this technology to ease pressures for the stretched workforce, and thus attract fresh talent to support its delivery.”


2 Swift, J. et al, 2022. An evaluation of a virtual COVID-19 ward to accelerate the supported discharge of patients from an acute hospital setting. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 28(1), pp.7-15.

3 NHSX. 2022. Remote monitoring for patients with chronic conditions in the Midlands [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 25 January 2022]

4 Ghosh S, O’Kelly N, Roberts EJ et al. Combined interventions for COPD admissions within an urban setting. BJHCM: 2016;3:122–131.

5 A successful pilot of virtual wards for COPD, Heart Failure, and Covid-19 across LPT produced savings of £529,719 for the health system.

Why is technology underrepresented in the training of health, housing and care professionals?


Andy Hart, Head of Delivery and Technical Support at Tunstall Healthcare, discusses why educating health, housing and social care professionals is vital to meet the needs of our growing and ageing population.

People today are living much longer. It’s recently been reported that the UK’s population hit a record with over-65s overtaking under-15s, and by 2030 it is estimated that 1 in 6 people globally will be aged 60 years or over.

But living longer does not necessarily mean living more healthily. Long-term health conditions are more prevalent in older people, with approximately 15 million people in the UK requiring health and social care services for chronic illnesses.

Andy Hart, Head of Delivery and Technical Support at Tunstall Healthcare, discusses why educating health, housing and social care professionals in the benefits and appropriate use of technology is crucial if we are to improve service provision, and why technology continues to be underrepresented in training.

Why technology is underrepresented

The urgent need to invest in preventative services and early interventions to reduce pressures on our services is being increasingly recognised. In fact, almost two thirds (63 per cent) of directors of adult social care recently indicated that their local authorities were taking positive investment strategies in digital and technology.

However, large-scale change involving health and care technology is complex and presents many challenges for the stakeholders involved. Key barriers to successful digital evolution include the budget constraints and the cost of implementing new systems, organisational attitudes towards risk, and the relationships that exist between health, housing and social care services.

Most of these barriers can be mitigated through greater training and the education of professionals. Greater education will help to build partnerships, maximise the use of data, drive cultural change and bring staff on the digital journey, whilst supporting them in their roles.

Investing in education

People are the greatest asset of any organisation and, like any other asset, they need investment and maintenance. The next generation of health, housing and care leaders require support if they are to continue to develop themselves, and therefore their teams and services.

The education of professionals within these sectors is crucial in enabling a cultural shift so that staff understand the value and use of technology, and how it can support them in effective caregiving, as well as improving the quality of life of the people being cared for.

With the right education staff should reap a number of benefits, including becoming more aware of the features of telecare devices, developing confidence in assessing and referring end users to the right solutions, and understanding the positive impact of telecare on working practices.

As the Occupational Therapy programme lead at the University of Lincoln, Carol Duff is significantly involved in the education of Occupational Therapists. She commented: “It’s very important that we give our students the opportunity to gain practical confidence in the use of digital solutions in a safe setting that are essential to support their practice in health and social care.

“Technological solutions may mean our patients are able to remain safely at home for longer and avoid or delay moving into hospital or into care. It is essential that our occupational therapists of the future can confidently and creatively explore digital solutions that may also reduce pressure on the system and release time to care.”

A digital future

With the impending changes to our telecoms network, digital is fast becoming the industry standard to ensure the safety of health and social care services, staff and end users.

New kinds of leadership will be needed to deliver change and evolve governance, while at the same time improving the working lives and motivation of employees. Cementing a cultural shift towards technology driven, outcomes-led approaches is required to achieve this, and in turn, this needs early engagement from professionals and an understanding that technology is designed to provide support, rather than to replace.

By harnessing the benefits of training and education, we can raise awareness of the value and potential of technology across the healthcare landscape, and provide enhanced support to users, carers, professionals and providers.

For more information on educating the future generation of health, housing and social care professionals, please visit

The Health and Social Care Committee’s report on the care workforce; what is missing?

social care workforce

On 25th July, the Health and Social Care Committee (HSCC) published their report, Workforce: recruitment, training and retention in health and social care.

The report calls for the government to provide its workforce plan for the NHS and social care (promised in spring 2022 but still not yet published), and provides several practical recommendations for the plan. Refreshingly, large sections of the report focus specifically on the social care workforce; a workforce often ignored in conversations around health and care.

The report appropriately recognises the gravity of the situation facing the social care sector, stating that, in comparison to the NHS, “the situation is regrettably worse in social care”, referencing incredibly high staff vacancy and turnover rates and poor working conditions.

Key recommendations in the HSSC report regarding the social care workforce include:

  • Higher baseline pay for care workers, reflecting the true value to society of the services they provide
  • Sustainable strategies in terms of pay progression, professional development, and career pathways
  • Contract choices offered to care workers on zero-hours contracts
  • A call for the government to produce an externally validated care certificate, provided at no cost to care providers, and is transferable between care providers and the NHS

While the report makes some promising recommendations, it falls short in several areas. On 26th July, Public Policy Projects (PPP) launched its report, The Social Care Workforce: averting a crisis.

This report was based on two roundtables with PPP’s Social Care Policy Network, held in May 2022, made up of key stakeholders in the adult social care sector and a lived experience panel (comprising five individuals with first-hand experience of the social care system). While many of the conclusions and recommendations of the HSCC’s report have parallels in PPP’s report, PPP highlights further areas that the workforce plan should address.

A fairer deal for the social care workforce

The reports from HSCC and PPP are broadly aligned regarding their sentiments and recommendations around pay for care workers. It is evident that care workers must be paid more, and equivalent to, their NHS counterparts.

Both reports therefore include recommendations advocating increases to the baseline pay for care workers, to reflect the true value that care workers bring to society and reduce the number of care workers leaving for better paid jobs in retail, hospitality, or elsewhere. Both reports also agree that there must be pay progression in the care sector in line with that of the NHS Agenda for Change pay scale, providing opportunities for care workers to be paid fairly and to advance their careers.

The two reports agree that terms and conditions, as well as pay, must be improved for social care workers. They acknowledge that zero-hours contracts can provide instability for many adult social care workers, and that care workers do not tend to enjoy the same pension options, sick pay or overtime renumeration as equivalent NHS workers, nor do they receive the public admiration or ‘sweeteners’ (including NHS staff discounts offered by many businesses).

It is no secret that the social care sector is severely underfunded. In order to appropriately pay care workers, both reports agree that local authorities must be appropriately funded to provide the fair cost of care to providers, to ensure that self-funders are not subsidising the cost of workers’ wages. This will require substantial investment from government.

However, PPP’s report provides several additional recommendations for the elevation of the social care workforce. Crucially, PPP’s report focuses on the need for an elevation in the status of care work, to raise the profile of those working in care. The report notes the boost in public sentiment towards nursing that followed Florence Nightingale’s work during the Crimean war, and stresses the need for a similar shift to take place for care work. Not only would this ‘Nightingale shift’ boost staff morale, PPP’s report argues that it would help to address recruitment and retention issues, provided it is accompanied by improvements to pay and conditions.

To kickstart this ‘Nightingale shift’, PPP’s report recommends that the government should provide investment for positive advertising campaigns for social care careers, with clear messaging of the immense value of a career in care and its potential to transform lives. In conjunction with this, it recommends that care providers should be working with careers advisors in schools to promote care work to young people as an attractive and fulfilling career.

Another recommendation in PPP’s report, which was not addressed by the HSCC report, is the potential creation of cross-sector roles between health and care, as well as placements and secondments of NHS staff into social care. This would help raise the status of social care by actualising a parity of esteem between the NHS and social care workforces. It would also serve to increase the awareness and visibility of the social care system within the NHS, and aide in the integration of the workforces.

More training is not a panacea

Training was highlighted as a key area in the HSCC report. However, PPP’s Social Care Policy Network argues in the report that extra workforce training should not be conflated with the wider issues around attracting and retaining staff. PPP’s Lived Experience Panel were at pains to express that constant training and annual training renewal is often a poor use of time and resources and cannot be a substitute for meaningful sector reform.

Where PPP’s report addresses training is in their recommendation around the proposed Social Care Leaders Scheme, dubbed the ‘Teach First’ of social care. The care sector is in need of strong leadership, as registered managers are not always sufficiently prepared or trained for a job that carries substantial responsibility.

The Social Care Leaders Scheme, proposed by a steering group of leaders from the social care sector convened by the CareTech foundation, aims to attract high calibre talent to the sector by training bright university graduates for leadership roles in social care, emulating the successful Teach First model. The report calls for the government to reconsider its position on the partial funding of the scheme, which promises to elevate the sector, provide attractive careers, and improve leadership structures.

The HSCC report also focuses on mandatory Care Certificates, which should be offered, at no cost, to care providers, and are transferrable between care providers and the NHS. This is undoubtedly a sensible recommendation, and PPP’s report further recommends the establishment of a Royal College of Care Professionals. The institution of a Royal College would serve the dual purpose of professionalising the workforce and secure an elevation in its status, as well as providing a central body which can represent, support, and oversee the development of, the care workforce.

Finally, the report by the HSCC makes no mention of a vital section of the care workforce: volunteers. PPP finds that volunteers can greatly alleviate the burden on social care professionals and improve the experience of recipients of care. It is essential that volunteers are included in the workforce equation.

PPP recommends that the volunteer sector should be integrated into the workforce strategy and planning for social care, given the substantial value it provides. Further, it warns that the government must act soon to seize upon the enthusiasm for volunteering that built up during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For a truly comprehensive workforce plan which will truly elevate social care and reduce the immense pressure on the sector, these recommendations must, too, be incorporated. For more information on the report, please contact PPP’s Social Care Policy Analyst, Mary Brown, at

News, Workforce

Could a review of cancer and diagnostics staffing and career pathways reverse waiting times?

waiting times

NHS waiting times for cancer treatment and diagnosis in England are now the longest on record, with the Health and Social Care Committee publishing a report urging the government to take action or risk jeopardising patient care.

At the core of the issue is staffing.

The national shortage of nurses, including cancer nurses, is well known – a problem seemingly exacerbated by the pandemic, with a reported 170,000 NHS staff voluntarily leaving the service in the last two years.

Despite being brought into sharp focus most recently, there has, for some time, been mounting concern among healthcare leaders regarding staffing in cancer care, which is why a group of ten NHS trusts and cancer alliances across South East England have been collaborating on scalable strategies and solutions to overcome their workforce challenges.

In partnership with Skills for Health and Health Education England South East, these local NHS Trusts and Cancer Alliances are blazing a trail when it comes to opening up career pathways, finding new and smarter ways of working and streamlining patient journeys, with the aim of transforming cancer care and diagnostic services.

East Sussex Healthcare (ESHT) is one of the NHS Trusts in question and has been a pioneer in the creation of a range of new roles to support Consultants, Doctors, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) caring for patients on the cancer and diagnostics pathway.

Building upon their award-winning rollout of band 3 Doctors’ Assistants across the Trust, which cut the administrative burden of doctors in half, EHST have also developed other new roles to support cancer and diagnostic services.

In partnership with Skills for Health and Health Education England South East, these local NHS Trusts and Cancer Alliances are blazing a trail when it comes to opening up career pathways, finding new and smarter ways of working and streamlining patient journeys, with the aim of transforming cancer care and diagnostic services.

East Sussex Healthcare (ESHT) is one of the NHS Trusts in question and has been a pioneer in the creation of a range of new roles to support Consultants, Doctors, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) caring for patients on the cancer and diagnostics pathway.

Building upon their award-winning rollout of band 3 Doctors’ Assistants across the Trust, which cut the administrative burden of doctors in half, EHST have also developed other new roles to support cancer and diagnostic services.

A new approach to recruitment

Having experienced difficulties recruiting Endoscopy Nurses for its two endoscopy sites in Eastbourne and Hastings, ESHT took the decision to develop the band 3 Endoscopy Assistant role to work alongside an Endoscopist and ease the pressure on its Endoscopy Nurses.

The impact of this new role has enabled EHST to support cancer wait times, says Service Lead for Endoscopy Sue Winser.

“ESHT handles 21,800 cancer referrals, 283,000 X-rays and scans and 7 million pathology tests every year, including 14,500 endoscopy procedures, so the pressure is on.

“Easing the burden on existing staff is crucial in a tight labour market, where specialist skills are in short supply. Our pilot has reduced the need for two nurses being involved in any one procedure – this has massively freed up nursing time, enabling our team to see more patients.” she continued.

Also embracing new roles and routes into cancer care and diagnostics support is University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS).

With UHS’s pathology departments handling over 6 million clinical laboratory requests a year, it is hoped that by offering enhanced career progression the Trust will reap its rewards in terms of staff recruitment and retention in harder to recruit services.

Among the various different apprenticeship standards adopted by UHS, the new level 6 Healthcare Science Practitioner apprenticeship provides a platform to achieving the BSc in Biomedical Science and undertaking the role of band 5 Biomedical Scientist.

An evolving workforce

The threat of a mass shortage of cancer nurses including Cancer Nurse Specialists has similarly prompted a rethink of career progression routes by Thames Valley Cancer Alliance (TVCA).

Bringing together cancer leaders, commissioners, service providers and third sector organisations, TVCA takes a whole population approach to improving cancer services across the three Integrated Care Systems of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and West Berkshire (BOB ICS), Bath & North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) and Frimley Health and Care ICS.

Key to the approach of TVCA has been to raise the visibility and awareness of careers in cancer. This includes the roles of band 5 nurses as well as of Cancer Nurse Specialist and the Nurse Consultant.

“Faced with an ageing workforce, we took the decision to create a visible cancer nursing (and Allied Health Professional) career progression route from pre-registration nurse through to registered, enhanced, advanced, consultant and strategic leadership to encourage specialisation in this vital field of healthcare.” said Lyndel Moore, Lead Cancer Nurse.

“We want to align to the national Aspirant Cancer Career and Education Development Programme (ACCEND) and in the interim we are supporting the development and training of the different roles for Allied Health Professionals and Cancer Nurse Specialists.’’

Bringing down waiting times

The Royal Berkshire Breast Cancer Service in Reading, which is part of TVCA, has seen patient numbers increase over the last five years. 555 patients were diagnosed with new primary breast cancer in 2021, and a further 211 patients with metastatic breast cancer are in the overall workload, meaning that a total of 1339 breast cancer patients are being monitored by the Centre’s follow-up pathway.

To meet this demand, the Centre conducted a review of the breast cancer pathway and the cancer nursing and other staffing requirements needed to support it.

The Nurse Consultant role was identified as being key in the pathway, and this advanced role, which is embedded in practice, enables care of the patient at an independent autonomous level.

With advanced clinical decision–making and a non-medical prescribing role, running independent chemotherapy and follow-up clinics, giving patients results and discussing treatment options, the Nurse Consultant plays an essential role against the backdrop of a national shortage of Oncologist Consultants.

Better use of resources coupled with clearer career progression routes has provided a platform for Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (also part of TVCA) to expand patient support by setting up a new ‘Personalised Care Service’ with the help of Macmillan Cancer Support.

The Service, launched in 2021, is designed to look holistically at the needs of cancer patients, enabling them to self-manage their illness better. The Service received 60 referrals in its first three months alone and is, according to Cancer Nurse Specialist Michelle Taylor of the Macmillan Personalised Care Team, proving highly beneficial in streamlining patient pathways.

“Some newly diagnosed cancer patients can feel overwhelmed and anxious about their diagnosis and pathway. The Cancer Nurse Specialist teams are now able to refer to the Personalised Care Service so we can all work together to help their needs and offer tailored support for improved health and wellbeing requirements.”

Staffing capacity to undertake diagnostic imaging (such as x-rays and scans) too is essential for patients on the cancer pathway and to meet demand for routine imaging.

With the challenges of an ageing workforce, Trusts in the Surrey and Sussex Cancer Alliance (SSCA) struggled to recruit both diagnostic and therapeutic radiographers, before deciding to take a fresh approach to workforce planning.

Rethinking career progression

It was recognised that existing roles had a lack of career progression opportunities. This prompted the Sussex Imaging Transformation Workforce Group – representing services across the region – to facilitate a patient pathway-mapping workshop, which identified a shortfall in the workforce required to undertake routine, elective computerised tomography (CT) examinations.

As a result of this exercise, a competence map was developed with the aim of increasing the skill mix and consistency of roles to meet service needs. Furthermore, it identified the need for a career framework across the CT pathway and to support new roles across the diagnostic workforce, such as the Radiography Department Assistant as an entry point.

Dawn Probert is a Senior Consultant at Skills for Health and has been leading on the project along with Health Education England South East. She comments:

“Workforce planning is crucial to identifying and alleviating blockages in the system that delay diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients.

“Now more than ever, detailed skills analysis and robust workforce planning is required if cancer and diagnostic services as a whole are to meet patient demand in the medium to long-term.

“What this regional project has demonstrated is that there are many positive and transformational approaches and roles which have been developed and utilised to finding solutions to the recruitment, retention and training of the workforce to improve cancer patient journeys and diagnostic services.

“Designed to be scalable, they offer NHS trusts and cancer alliances nationwide innovative tools and strategies to get to grips with recruiting, retaining and developing staff and to meet the increasing demand for cancer and diagnostic services and improve patient care into the future.”

Skills for Health, in partnership with Health Education England South East, has developed 10 cancer and diagnostics workforce case studies and an accompanying Resource Guide to showcase the work of NHS trusts and cancer alliances across South East England. To find out more about the innovative tools and strategies they developed to help with recruiting, retaining and developing staff and to meet the increasing demand for cancer and diagnostic services visit:

News, Primary Care, Workforce

LDC Confederation: taking an active role in combatting discrimination


Martin Skipper, Head of Policy for the LDC Confederation, discusses how the organisation is taking an active approach to addressing racism, working as part of the London Workforce Race Equality Strategy (WRES), to ensure that the dental profession benefits from the programme of work.

The aim of the London Workforce Race Equality Strategy work is to address the inequality experienced by a large proportion of the NHS workforce. The experience of professionals from black and minority ethnic backgrounds continues to lag behind that of white colleagues.

To address this imbalance, the objective is for the NHS in London to be a more inclusive place to work. The workforce strategy aims to create a step change by increasing the diversity of the workforce and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion strategies. This includes improving the leadership culture and growing and training the workforce. In a recent survey undertaken by the London WRES for Equality and Discrimination in Primary Care, around half of respondents said they had faced some sort of discrimination or harrasment at work, with 39 per cent saying that they had received this from patients. The remaining 29 per cent had been on the receiving end of discrimination or harrasment from colleagues. Of these cases only one third were reported.

Colleagues from Asian or African backgrounds were most likely to be on the receiving end of discrimination, and also less likely to know where to turn for help. Additionally, while ethnicity was the main factor reported to underlie discrimination and harrasment by a considerable margin, gender was the second most common factor. Unfortunately, responses from dental practice were very low, so few conclusions about issues specific to dentistry can be drawn.

Registration data from the General Dental Council, however, shows that many of the issues reported above can be expected to be true in dental practice. Over 50 per cent of dentists on the register are women, leaping to almost 93 per cent of dental care professionals (DCPs). At least 31 per cent of the dental workforce identify as Asian, Black, Chinese, mixed or other non-white ethnicity, with a further 17 per cent unknown. Around nine per cent of DCPs by contrast, identify as non-white, with a further 14 per cent whose ethnicity is not known.

There will be sizeable groups within both parts of the dental profession with at least one characteristic strongly associated with discrimination and harrasment. With 60 per cent of DCPs and 52 per cent of dentists being aged under 40, expectations of professionals will vary considerably from this younger cohort of professionals to their more established colleagues.

The LDC Confederation is supporting dental teams in several ways to make sure that their workplace is inviting and supportive to everyone. One these is working with the National Guardian’s Office to ensure that all practices in member LDCs have access to a clear pathway to a dental guardian. This impartial champion provides support and guidance to those in the dental team who are unsure of where to turn when they have a concern.

As many dental practices continue to be independent providers with relatively small teams, the LDC Confederation act as an impartial body able to support practices and practitioners alike. By providing this opportunity for confidential and impartial support we hope that a more open and accepting culture will be developed in dental practice.

We will continue to work with the London WRES to embed their plans for increased awareness among teams of the issues and behaviours, as well as providing a trusted environment for all members of the dental team to seek support. We will also maintain a campaign of zero tolerance towards harrasment and discrimination from patients. Individual LDCs will be working with their local training hubs to embed training opportunities at the local level and with EDI leads in the Integrated Care Systems to align practice processes and outcomes with those of system wide strategic objectives. Through these combined efforts, the LDC Confederation will continue to take an active approach to promoting equality, diversity and inclusivity in the dentistry profession.

Royal College of Physicians issues stark warning over social care crisis

social care

The Royal College of Physicians is warning that the combination of an ageing population and a lack of NHS workforce planning means the country is risking an unavoidable crisis in social care for older people.

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has issued a stark warning that NHS workforce shortages are driving the social care crisis in England and that the NHS is “woefully unprepared to cope with an ageing population.”

New analysis from the RCP shows that there is the equivalent of just one full time geriatrician per 8,031 people over the age of 65 in England. The findings use data from the RCP’s own census of physicians and the Office for National Statistics’ (ONS) population data and demonstrate the extent to which England’s care crisis is only set to grow.

The ONS estimates there will be more than 17 million people aged 65 and above in the UK by 2040, meaning 24 per cent of the population would require geriatric care. Additionally, many of the doctors currently providing geriatric care will, themselves, soon be requiring the same care, and 48 per cent of consultant geriatrics are set to retire within the next 10 years.

Considering these trends, the RCP, along with more than 100 medical organisations, is supporting an amendment to the Health and Social Care Bill requiring the government to publish “regular, independent assessments of the numbers of staff the NHS and social care system need now and in future.” No such data is currently publicly available. The amendment, currently being debated in the House of Lords, was tabled by Baroness Cumberlege and is supported by former NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens (now Lord Stevens of Birmingham), is set to be debated in the House of Lords

Responding to the RCP’s warning, Danny Mortimer, Chief Executive of NHS Employers and Deputy Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation, said: “As exhausted NHS staff strive to tackle the enormous treatment backlogs that have resulted from the pandemic, we must not forget about the pressures that our health and social care services face as they work to meet the growing needs of our ageing population.

“To be able to plan effectively for a future workforce, healthcare leaders need clarity in the shape of a clear long-term workforce plan. Sajid Javid’s recent commissioning of a workforce strategy is a very welcome step, but… we would urge the government to accept amendments requiring the health secretary to publish regular, independent assessments of the numbers of staff the NHS and social care system need now and in future.”

The President of the RCP, Andrew Goddard, said: ““I have dedicated my career to working in the NHS – a service that I am fiercely proud of – and yet it scares me to wonder what might happen should I need care as I get older. There simply aren’t enough doctors to go round, not least within geriatrics.

“The workforce crisis we’re facing is largely down to an astonishing lack of planning. All successful organisations rely on long-term workforce planning to meet demand and it’s absurd that we don’t do this for the NHS and social care system. The government needs to accept the amendment put forward by Baroness Cumberlege and make workforce planning a priority.”

Dr Jennifer Burns, President of the British Geriatrics Society, said: “These figures show very clearly the current nationwide shortage of geriatricians – a situation that will only get worse with the predictable rise in the numbers of older people across the UK needing healthcare.

“It is absolutely vital that these fundamental issues around the recruitment, retention, development and support of the workforce are addressed, and that there is a properly-resourced strategy for future needs. The British Geriatrics Society stands with the RCP in strongly supporting the amendment to the Health and Care Bill.”