Lack of support causing ‘dangerous cycle’ of mental health readmittance, says CQC


CQC report highlights shortfalls in mental health services, with young people, people from ethnic minority groups, and people from areas of deprivation facing the biggest barriers to accessing care.

Many people with mental health needs are not getting the care they need, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) highlighted in a report published last week.

As part of its monitoring activity in 2023/2024, CQC interviewed more than 4,500 people who were detained under the Mental Health Act or ‘sectioned’, covering 870 wards, and speaking to relatives and people who were previously detained. This year’s Monitoring the Mental Health Act report once again raises that a lack of staff, beds, and training, are leading to harmful gaps in care and treatment.

With demand far outstripping capacity, the report finds that there are not enough beds available, meaning people are placed far from home, their family, and their friends. One person interviewed reported being detained and placed five hours from home, and didn’t receive any visitors during her time in hospital as a result. Another woman had to wait hours in a police staff room, accompanied by two police officers, while a bed was sourced.

Jenny Wilkes, Interim Director of Mental Health at the Care Quality Commission, said: “Without timely access to necessary mental health support, people may find themselves being bounced from service to service without ever receiving the level of care that they need. This is a particular concern for children with mental health needs who risk missing out on school and their social life, and carrying their trauma and feelings of isolation into adulthood.

CQC’s report identifies a lack of sufficient staff numbers to support all patients, which is affecting people’s access to care and leading to people being restricted from going outside as there is nobody to supervise them, or in the most extreme cases, people being inappropriately confined.

While many people describe healthcare workers as “caring” and “wonderful”, the report identifies ongoing concerns with staff numbers and training. In particular, not all staff have undertaken the mandatory training to understand the needs of autistic people and people with a learning disability.

The combination of overwhelming demand and limited resources has led ward managers to feel pressure to discharge the “least unwell” patients. One woman reported being discharged before she was ready and without support to find her way home; she subsequently overdosed. Another person said, “I was only discharged because I was 18, not because I was better.”

Despite a legal entitlement to aftercare, overstretched general practice and community mental health services are not always able to provide a supportive transition back into the community, meaning people do not have the best chance at recovery. In nearly half of cases where a child or young person was detained, they had to be re-admitted within a year.

According to CQC, young people, people from ethnic minority groups, and people from areas of deprivation face the biggest barriers to accessing care and are sectioned at higher rates than the general population. Black people in particular are detained at 3.5 times the rate of white people. Meanwhile people from the most deprived areas are attending A&E services for their mental health at 3.5 times the rate of people from the least deprived areas.

CQC also registers concern that a lack of suitable community resources continues to lead to inappropriate hospitalisation of people with a learning disability and autistic people. However, the report cites CQC’s early work on Independent Care (Education) and Treatment Reviews, which has seen people move out of long-term segregation.

The regulator is calling for national action to tackle system-wide issues in community mental health. Better funding, improved community support, and a specialised and sustainable workforce are needed to ensure that people receive the care they need.

Jenny Wilkes added: “These issues will be all too familiar to people in mental health crisis, and their loved ones. We urgently need more community support and a better understanding of people’s needs to reduce the number of people being detained. And we know the situation is even starker for people from deprived areas, people from ethnic minority groups, autistic people and people with a learning disability. While the Mental Health Bill aims to address inappropriate detentions and improve mental health care, this can’t be addressed by legislation alone as there simply aren’t the resources to fix these issues.

“It is essential that the government addresses these significant gaps now to protect people for the future. With the right funding, a sustainable and well-trained workforce and enough beds to meet demand, we can break this damaging cycle.”

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The fundamental inequalities in women’s health


Jane Johnston, Co-CEO of the Association of Professional Healthcare Analysts (AphA), discusses the decision to drop Women’s Health targets from the latest NHS planning guidance, and its impact on persisting inequalities in women’s health.

The latest NHS planning guidance was released last week. But that’s not what I’m going to write about today; I thought I’d bring to your attention to the decision to drop Women’s Health targets from the NHS plan.

It was mooted a week or so ago that this was because there was concern that the NHS gives in too easily to interest group lobbyists. I don’t see that 51 per cent of the population is an ‘interest group’ – they are actually pretty important if we want to reduce inequalities and reduce costs of long-term care through preventative medicine and appropriate treatments and interventions. But the reason, we are assured, is because the target for Women’s Health hubs in every system achieved 93 per cent (39 out of 42) in 2024/25 and therefore need not be repeated in this year’s guidance.

However, a recent poll shows that 18 per cent of women had reduced their working hours or left the workforce because of Women’s Health related issues. Of those, 39 per cent said they would definitely have been able to stay in work or maintain their hours if they had had better access to timely and effective healthcare. Half of the respondents said they had suffered dismissive, discriminatory or harmful treatment at the hands of the NHS.

So perhaps Women’s Health targets need to be reassessed and included in the NHS plan.

Inequalities in research matter

But planning guidance and women’s health hubs aside, there is still an alarming amount of inequality in Women’s Health. This is not just about health hubs and services – it’s much more fundamental than that.

I’m talking about scientific research, drugs, medical devices and lived experience. I would like to present the case for why biology is important because in the treatment of diseases; it’s the biological sex that counts – XX chromosomes, in the case of females.

Let me give one brief example of why the biological sex overrules the gender a person has chosen to identify with. 76 per cent of cell cultures used in lab research are male, i.e. XY chromosomes.  In the USA, a five-year cohort study into road traffic accidents involving a high proportion of women found the common factor that many were taking medication for insomnia. It was discovered that the female metabolism metabolises slower than the male metabolism. Yet still, in some cases it took more than two decades for sex-specific doses to be considered. How many more drugs out there are over-medicating women with doses continually optimised for men?

Previous studies on the benefits of aspirin for heart health were optimised for males. Yet, more women die from heart disease in the UK than men. And over a decade, 72 per cent of drugs were introduced to the market without data on pregnant or breastfeeding women, the default advice being to “ask your GP”, who often didn’t know any more than the patient. Women experience five times more side effects from drugs than men – is this because more than 60 per cent of clinical trials are on men? Even in animal testing, using males is the default.

Endometriosis has been cured twice in animals but in human trials it has failed, arguably because scientific discovery which is male based often does not work when translated into human females.

The are of course some amazing examples of funding, and rightly so, for research into horrific diseases such as cancer. Breast cancer research specifically gets 10 times more funding than research for female-specific heart disease. However, twice as many women die from heart disease than do from breast cancer.

Lack of suitable treatments

One thing that is a certainty for all women is menstruation, or problems with menstruation. One in eight women of working age took time off work last year because of symptoms, increasing economic burden through lost productivity.

10 per cent of women suffer adenomyosis where the endometrial cells invade the muscular cells of the uterus. This causes extreme pelvic pain. Often there are no diagnostics and no treatments, so patients are prescribed long-term pain medication or, in some cases, have a hysterectomy. Fibroids are another common occurrence in 70-80 per cent of women, although less than half are debilitated by them and 30 per cent end up having surgery to remove them, or a hysterectomy.

10 per cent of women suffer endometriosis, but again, there is no cure, so they are prescribed long-term painkillers, hormone treatments, surgery to cut away the affected areas, or a hysterectomy. Then there is the lesser discussed pelvic congestion syndrome causing chronic pelvic pain. 49 per cent of gynae appointments are because of pelvic pain and 30 per cent of these are likely pelvic congestion syndrome.  As it is difficult to diagnose because of similarity of symptoms to all of the above, the patient is usually given painkillers, hormone treatments or of course, the default hysterectomy. 20 per cent of women in the UK will end up having a hysterectomy at some point.

This is mainly because research does not invest enough in diagnostics, drugs, or devices specifically tailored to Women’s Health. Only 2 per cent of funded research is for pregnancy, childbirth and female reproductive health. Over half of the population suffer conditions specific only to them, yet only 2 per cent of research is dedicated to trying to find cures and treatments for women. The other half have 27 per cent of research dedicated to male-only health and the rest, we know, is optimised for men.

One shocking example of underfunding in research for medical devices for women, is vaginal stents for paediatric surgery, where little girls are operated on because of e.g. tumour removal, trauma or birth defects. There is no such thing as a paediatric vaginal stent. Surgical gloves are stuffed with gauze and inserted to maintain integrity. There have been amazing advancements in medicine and medical devices, yet something as simple as a paediatric vaginal stent is yet to be made readily available.

There is also the very real problem of medical gaslighting. Women tend to go to the doctor a lot more than men, because they are suffering extreme, sometimes chronic, pain, regular excessive and debilitating blood loss with associated fainting nausea and vomiting. But more often than not, they’re made to feel that they’re overreacting, just being oversensitive and there’s nothing really wrong, it’s just part of being a woman.

Among countless documented examples, I have also heard heart-breaking first-hand accounts from female clinicians, who in pregnancy, have voiced their concerns about their unborn child to both male and female doctors, only to be dismissed as overthinking due to their medical background—only to later suffer a stillbirth. They knew their bodies but were persuaded otherwise.

Another first-hand experience was told to me by a colleague, a senior nurse of many years’ experience, who suffered pelvic congestion syndrome. She was prescribed the usual treatments of long-term painkillers and hormones.  After being bedbound with pain and finally being offered a hysterectomy, she did her own research and ended up paying privately for scans and ultimately vein embolisation, a minimally invasive day case procedure that according to the private consultant, is frequently overlooked in the NHS. These were women who were trained in medicine. How the rest of the population can possibly feel they can speak up against such gaslighting or have the knowledge or confidence to research their options is worrying.

Inequalities impact the NHS

A consequence of underfunding of research into female-specific diseases in comparison to the burden of diseases, apart from the economic burden, is the cost to the NHS is in terms of long-term medication and preventable surgery. Not to mention mental health services, as some women who have lost a child or who are living with chronic pain, or who find it difficult to come to terms with hysterectomy, will require support through therapies.

And considering the number of hysterectomies being performed, studies show that the long-term consequences indicate potential associations with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic issues like diabetes and high cholesterol, osteoporosis, depression and even certain cancers and possibly even Alzheimer’s.  What is the downstream cost to the NHS for these potentially preventable co-morbidities?

So, if we’re really about reducing inequalities and looking at preventative medicine, better treatments and reducing costs, then maybe we need to start at the bottom, with the building blocks of medicine. By investing more in women’s health, the 39 out of 42 women’s health hubs can provide cutting edge, optimised care, reducing pressures on the system and vastly improving women’s health outcomes and experience.

I would like to thank Brittany Barreto, Ph.D., author of of Unlocking Women’s Health, FemTech & the Quest for Gender Equity for inspiring me and sharing global research stats with me.

Half of UK adults struggling to access trusted health information, report finds


Research by PIF and Ipsos reveals inequalities in access to health information and the impact of misinformation, calling for greater signposting towards credible health information.

The Patient Information Forum (PIF) and Ipsos have today published new research into health information access across the UK. The Knowledge is Power report offers new insights on information access, trusted sources, communication with healthcare professionals and the impact of misinformation on patient awareness of health.

The report is based on a cross-sectional, nationally representative survey of 2,003 adults in the UK from May to June 2024 using the Ipsos KnowledgePanel.

It reveals the demand for the NHS to signpost trusted information and wide support for the verification of health information.

Key findings include:

  • Half of adults in the UK are struggling to access trusted health information, with 55 per cent feeling they cannot trust health information they find online
  • 1 in 10 adults in the UK have been affected by misinformation, rising to 1 in 5 for ethnic minorities
  • 8 in 10 adults in the UK agree access to trusted health information would help them manage their health
  • 1 in 6 say adults in the UK say their views are not taken seriously by their health professional. This rises to 1 in 4 for ethnic minorities
  • Only 1 in 10 adults with long term conditions in the UK are signposted to patient organisations, yet these are highly trusted by their users
  • 2 in 3 adults in the UK state independent verification of health information would increase trust
  • There is already recognition of the PIF TICK – the UK’s only independently-assessed certification for both print and digital health information – among the UK population

Melissa Moodley, UK Head of Healthcare Research, Ipsos, said: “This timely research reveals a critical gap in access to trustworthy health information, with half of UK adults struggling to find reliable sources. This challenge is particularly acute for those with long-term conditions and minority groups.

“The impact is clear: 8 in 10 adults believe better access to credible health information would improve their health management. These findings underscore the urgent need to improve the provision of verified, accessible health information. Doing so is not just beneficial, but essential for enhancing overall health outcomes across the UK.”

Knowledge is Power makes five recommendations on the right to health information, aligned with the three shifts proposed in the NHS 10-year plan. In summary they are:

  1. A right to health information – Health information is provided as a core part of patient care
  2. Tackle misinformation – Through robust content standards and effective signposting of credible health information via health professionals and the NHS Apps
  3. Tackle inequality – Health information must be accessible and appropriate for all
  4. Lived experience as a metric – Embedding patient experience as a measure of NHS performance using the NHS Apps and single patient record
  5. Dedicated leadership – A mandate for the effective delivery of health information with a named lead in all NHS organisations

Sue Farrington, chair of PIF, said: “Credible information supports people’s health decisions, from childhood vaccinations to joint replacement surgery. For people with long term conditions, it is a core element of care.

“Our 2024 survey gives a clear view of how people want to access health information and the challenges they face.  Resolving these issues will ensure everyone gets the information they need, supporting the prevention agenda and contributing to the delivery of positive health outcomes for all.”

View the full Knowledge is Power report here.

Public Policy Projects’ Patient Safety Programme

In partnership with the UK-based charity, Patient Safety Learning, Public Policy Projects (PPP) is developing a new programme, Harnessing technology to enable a system wide approach to patient safety, to position patient safety as a core purpose of integrated care systems. The programme is taking a collaborative approach, bringing together health system leaders, industry experts and patient/end-user representatives to discuss patient safety through the lens of technology, digital innovation and data-driven transformation.

To find out more about the programme and to register for the next roundtable, Safety design and user engagement: the power of digitally enabled people, please visit the website here or contact Samantha Semmeling on

Health Inequality, News

NHS failing in mental health support for kidney cancer patients


A new report from Kidney Cancer UK reveals a failure in providing vital mental health support for those diagnosed with kidney cancer in the UK.

A new report combining ten years of data from the Kidney Cancer UK Annual Patient Survey has highlighted ongoing failures in providing vital mental health support to those diagnosed with kidney cancer – currently the 7th most common cancer in UK adults. The findings show that many patients are being let down in some of the most basic areas, impacting their ability to navigate their kidney cancer diagnosis and treatment journey with resilience and hope.

However, the charity believes support services can be improved at minimal cost through greater collaboration with charities that have experience in counselling and supporting kidney cancer patients.

The report, titled ‘Navigating the impact of kidney cancer: A decade insight into patient care and mental health’, is asking for simple changes such as:

  • Providing patients with the contact details of their CNS (clinical nurse specialist) for direct support.
  • Signposting to reliable information on treatments and surgery options
  • Advising patients on how to access counselling to help with the shock of a cancer diagnosis.

Many patients are being failed in some of the most basic areas. For example, 37 per cent of those surveyed were unhappy with the way they were told they had kidney cancer, 30 per cent were not given the name of a CNS and an average of 29 per cent felt abandoned after surgery. Given the minimal cost needed to improve services, the charity is calling for the NHS to implement policies to ensure charities are a higher priority in the healthcare professionals support pathway.

With over 3,200 patients taking part in the Kidney Cancer UK Patient Surveys across the past decade, this is one of the most extensive independent kidney cancer surveys ever undertaken and has led the charity to call for the NHS to implement policies ensuring that charities are more of a priority in the healthcare professionals support pathway.

Malcolm Packer, CEO of Kidney Cancer UK, commented: “We need a nuanced approach to patient care, one that prioritises mental health – as well as physical health. The role of timely, relevant information to individuals with kidney cancer cannot be underestimated, and as a charity we consistently see those who have their information needs met after the shock of diagnosis or following treatment generally experience far better mental health outcomes.

“This comprehensive report combining a decade’s worth of data from kidney cancer patients provides valuable insights into how healthcare professionals and patient organisations can collaborate to meet the complex needs of kidney cancer patients, ensuring they receive the support necessary to navigate their diagnosis and treatment journey with resilience and hope.”

Dr Kate Fife, Consultant Clinical Oncologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge, added: “It is very disappointing to see that 37 per cent of patients are unhappy with the way they were given their kidney cancer diagnosis. Sensitive and clear patient communication is very much a priority for healthcare professionals, but despite training in communication, delivering news of a cancer diagnosis has not improved over the last 10 years of surveys.

“Couple this with the news that there is no change in the amount of information and support shared following diagnosis, the message to healthcare professionals everywhere is that we need to be more sensitive in our actions and work closer with Charities to help better support all cancer patients. There is clearly much room for improvement.”
The 11th annual Kidney Cancer UK Patient Survey is now open, and the Charity is calling for all kidney cancer patients, past or present, to complete the survey. To take the latest annual survey click here.

You can read the full report here. For support and information relating to kidney cancer visit

Health Inequality, News

Study highlights prison cancer inequalities


Those diagnosed while in prison face several barriers to treatment and receive worse experiences of care, according to a study led by King’s College London.

Researchers from King’s College London (KCL), University of Surrey and University College London (UCL), funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), have found that inequalities in cancer outcomes are persistent across English prisons, with those diagnosed while in prison 9 per cent more likely to die from the disease.

The study analysed cancer data from the National Disease Registration Service, which is part of NHS England, and conducted interviews with cancer patients in prison, and prison and healthcare professionals. It finds that cancer patients in prison are 28 per cent less likely to receive curative treatment than the general population, particularly surgery to remove tumours. Only half of the 9 per cent higher mortality rate can be explained by treatment differences.

Prisoners with cancer also have fewer hospital admissions than the general population, meaning that the cost of NHS hospital care is lower in the first six months due to fewer outpatient visits and planned inpatient stays. However, once emergency care and security escort costs are factored in, overall hospital care costs are higher.

Accordingly, the study emphasises the need to improve cancer care for people in prisons, to ensure that it is equivalent to that received by the general population.

Commenting on the study’s findings, Dr Elizabeth Davies, Clinical Reader in Cancer and Public Health in the School of Cancer & Pharmaceutical Sciences at KCL, said: “There are a number of structural factors that influence how healthcare is organised within the prison system, including the way in which prisons interact with NHS cancer services.

“Unfortunately, these factors can mean the route to diagnosis for people in prison is different to that of the general population, and they may not always receive the same level of treatment and support. People in prison with cancer have so far been a hidden and under-researched population. They should not be impacted by such health inequalities and should receive the same standard of care as they would in the community.”

To improve cancer care for people in prison, Dr Davies suggested, the NHS, HM Prisons and the Ministry of Justice should make better use of existing data to identify and reduce variations in care, as well as to better co-ordinate care pathways between these organisations.

Barriers to care

While finding that cancer patients in prison follow similar diagnostic pathways to the general population, the study shows that those in prison are disproportionately affected by barriers to care. These include lower levels of health literacy among those in prison, which impacts the ability to obtain and understand the information needed to make informed health or treatment decisions. Alongside this, the process for booking GP appointments in prisons is complex and time-consuming, and persistent communication issues between prison staff and NHS clinicians make co-ordinating care difficult.

Prison healthcare professionals interviewed commented that, prior to diagnosis, it can be difficult to distinguish between those with genuine healthcare concerns and those wishing to leave prison for other reasons.

Cancer patients in prison are also at risk of missing appointments if transport to hospital is not available. Persistent staff shortages in prisons also present another barrier. It was reported last year that many prisons are increasingly running more restrictive regimes, where a lack of staff can lead to prisoners being locked down for extended periods. The most restrictive of these, known as “red regimes”, were put into effect at least 22 times across English prisons in 2023. Prisoners have cited being locked up for 23.5 hours a day with no access to showers when under a “red regime”.

The study also highlights the use of handcuffs as a barrier to accessing care and a reason for prisoners to refuse hospital appointments. Further, prisoners are found to be reluctant to answer certain medical questions or raise concerns during appointments when healthcare professionals are present, and the study is the first to highlight discomfort among healthcare professionals and prison officers due to this practice.

After diagnosis, patients reported feeling unable to follow the advice of oncology professionals for managing and reporting side effects, which is especially challenging as they cannot directly communicate with their consultants from prison.
NHS oncology services often advice patients to bring friends or family members to appointments to offer psychological support and assist them with information gathering and retention, yet most of those diagnosed in prison attend appointments without this support, and their families often have little interaction with oncology teams.

“Prisons are designed to take away elements of control and choice for prisoners, however, this should not apply to their healthcare,” said Professor Jo Arnes, Professor of Cancer Care and Lead for Digital Health in the School of Health Sciences at the University of Surrey. “Our findings show that patients experience a number of barriers during diagnosis and similarly, once treatment started, they struggled to follow the advice of oncology professionals for reporting and managing any side effects.”

“Instead, they were reliant on prison officers and prison health professionals to respond appropriately, which undoubtedly impacts on their overall physical and emotional wellbeing. With a growing and ageing prison population there is an increasing need for patients with cancer within the prison system to access equivalent care to those in the community,” Professor Arnes added.

Professor Rachael Hunter, Professor of Health Economics at UCL, commented: “Although the cost of clinical cancer-related care for people in prison is less than in the general population, this does not reflect cost savings or efficiency, but worse access to care. More evidence is needed on cost-effective ways to improve access to curative cancer care for people in prison that is appropriate for the prison service.”

The study was coproduced by peer researchers with lived experience of the criminal justice system, supported by Revolving Doors – a charity dedicated to improving services for people in contact with the criminal justice system. It was presented in three collaborative papers published by The Lancet Oncology and eClinical Medicine.

Health Inequality, News

Women spending 1.5 times more than men on personal health, report finds


Survey commissioned by Deloitte reveals that women in the UK are spending £1.5bn more each year across all categories of out-of-pocket spending, and recommends more specific action to support women’s health in the workplace.

Women in the UK are spending over £1.5bn more than men on medical-related expenses each year, according to a survey of working adults commissioned by the Deloitte Health Equity Institute Europe. YouGov conducted the survey of 3156 men and women aged over 18 for Deloitte, to gain a clearer picture of “out-of-pocket” health spend – how much money they spend on personal health and care each year.

The Women’s Health Cost Gap in the UK survey finds that 52 per cent of employed women spend out-of-pocket on health each year, versus only 39 per cent of men, suggesting that women experience more pressure to spend their own money on personal healthcare. In total, the women surveyed spent 1.5 times more than men, averaging £305 a year, compared to £210 for men. The figure of £1.5bn was reached by multiplying this £95 surplus by the number of working women in the UK – 16.06 million.

Women also spend more on all categories of out-of-pocket spending, according to the survey. These include fertility, menopause and menstrual health, but also medical diagnostics and wearables, private counselling or other mental health support and general healthcare (e.g. dentistry or physiotherapy). At least some of this differential may be explained by the ‘pink tax’, whereby products aimed at women are priced more expensively than those aimed at men. Women may also be more likely to seek specialist (and therefore more expensive) treatment for female-specific concerns.

In general, the survey finds that women are more aware of the women’s healthcare benefits being offered by employers than men. 40 per cent of men responding to the survey did not know if any women’s health benefits were being offered, versus just 17 per cent of women.

However, many employees lack awareness of measures that could be implemented to support women’s health; 42 per cent of men said they didn’t know how workplaces could support women’s health, versus 17 per cent of women.

The survey finds that 60 per cent women are more attracted to companies which invest in women’s health benefits, rising to 67 per cent among younger women. Only 31 per cent of men felt this way. Despite these figures, only 28 per cent of women consider the provision of women’s health benefits a key factor when choosing a job (compared with 14 per cent of men), suggesting that it is not a deal-breaker.

The report makes several recommendations to address gender-based health disparities in the workplace. Among these, it recommends employers work actively to create women-friendly working environments which understand and account for the specific health needs of women, and to promote a culture where women can take leave for conditions without it negatively impacting their career prospects. This recommendation supports recent guidance issued by the Equality and Human Right Commission guidance, which says that employers could be sued for disability discrimination if they fail to make “reasonable adjustments” for employees going through menopause.

To policy makers, it recommends action to ensure that women can access treatment and care regardless of their age, sexuality, ethnicity, disability or postcode, as well as provision of adequate funding for women’s healthcare services and the financial incentivisation of research into women’s health.

Liz Hampson, partner and head of Deloitte’s European Health Equity Institute, commented: “Women spend significantly more treating ongoing poor health, or seeking out specialist treatment at their own cost, contributing to a higher overall out-of-pocket spend. This ‘health cost gap’ which exists can be attributed to a variety of reasons, including being misdiagnosed more and incidents of pain ‘taken less seriously’ in the healthcare system, underinvestment in women’s health services and underrepresentation of women in medical research.

“Addressing gender-based disparities in health requires a collaborative approach – something that requires investors, healthcare providers, policy makers, life sciences companies and employers to take action on.

“Supporting women’s health is not only important for society, but a sound investment in the future of the workforce and overall economy.”

The full report, including the questions, responses and recommendations, can be accessed here.

Health Inequality, News

Women’s health, and why 51% are overlooked so often


Women’s health has historically faced challenges and disparities, with issues often overlooked across all sectors.

Inequalities within women’s healthcare do not only impact conditions solely affecting women, but also our understanding of the different physiological responses that women have in areas such as cardiac disease and immune responses. It is also known that women use health technology differently to men, presenting clear opportunities to deliver measurable health benefits to more than half of the population, as well as a huge market opportunity for businesses to target.

Femtech and women’s health innovation are increasingly growing areas, however there is a risk that the promise of these areas is not realised without recognising the challenges that remain. Dr MaryAnn Ferreux, Medical Director at Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex (HIKSS), and Melissa Ream, Specialist Commercial Advisor, HIKSS, share their perspectives on the potential opportunities in femtech and women’s health, and how we can work together to reap the benefits.

What are the major challenges facing women’s health in the UK?

MaryAnn Ferreux: The main challenges in women’s health stem from decades, if not centuries, of gender bias and discrimination. In the past, many women’s health complaints were attributed to being emotional or hysterical and these gender stereotypes often led to doctors mistreating women’s symptoms as a mental health condition, rather than a physical condition.

While that has changed, much of this inherent gender bias remains, with many clinical trials and research studies not assessing the impact on women. We have recognised that there is a gender-based data gap but now we need to overcome this. Data sets are very rarely analysed by gender, and yet it is almost universally recorded, so the disparities in how genders respond in different disease groups could and should be analysed routinely.

Melissa Ream: We often think about women’s health in terms of women’s conditions, be that menstrual health, maternity or menopause. But women’s health care is general health care too. The cardiac symptoms and risks for women are different to men, yet these are not widely known. And this comes down to under representation of women in data sets as well as unconscious bias in the wider world. If you search for images of people having a heart attack on Google, most of the images will be of men. Cardiovascular disease in women is a bigger killer than breast cancer and we need to start taking this more seriously, looking at how clinical services are designed, delivered and promoted.

Do you think AI has the power to change this or do these concerns remain?

MaryAnn Ferreux: AI has a lot of potential to improve the health experiences of women, but there is a risk of building in more inequality if we do not address gender bias in data sets. More and more innovators are wanting to use AI in their technologies but some of them are not thinking about bias until it’s too late. A global analysis of AI systems found that 44 per cent demonstrated a gender bias. We need to ensure that the data sets used are comprehensively analysed and shown to be relevant to the target population and this comes down to the decision makers asking the right questions, whether that’s innovators, regulators, funders or purchasers. I’m also concerned about a lack of leadership in AI regulation and who is at the decision-making table. Without diversity at that top level, it is unlikely that the right questions will be asked early enough – retrofitting later on just won’t work!

Learning from experience presents a huge opportunity, but one that we haven’t been previously good at. As an example, a lack of ethnicity data incorporated into skin algorithms resulted in racial bias in pulse oximetry, ensuring that the device was not as effective for black and ethnic minority people. This disparity has been observed since the 90s and yet the device was still used during the Covid-19 pandemic, resulting in worse outcomes for black and ethnic minority people. We didn’t address the problem when we had the chance, and we need to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

So, what do we need to do to support equality in healthcare?

Melissa Ream: As MaryAnn says, having people at the decision-making table is vital to ensure that equality is incorporated into our systems. There is still a shortage of women in leadership roles even in the femtech industry and this needs to change, from more women at C-level, to more women investors. With women making up just 22 per cent of AI workers, we need active engagement from all sides to help make this change. Role models are a powerful tool; if you can’t look above for inspiration then you’re unlikely to move in that direction. It’s therefore so important that we build networks to support this.

Innovation hubs like Discovery Park play a powerful role in this, providing a network to support women in leadership positions and a platform that draws attention to the issues and also to those overcoming them. When we see good practice, let’s talk about it!

MaryAnn Ferreux: To make change happen, we need to use both a stick and a carrot. There must be something built into our structures and processes that sets out expectations and ensures compliance with health equity. But we also need to use financial levers as a carrot, with investors and purchasers demonstrating an interest in this area and making decisions that reflect a commitment to reducing health inequalities.

What would be on your women’s health manifesto to help guide this change?

MaryAnn Ferreux and Melissa Ream: There are three areas to focus on that we believe will see real results:

Leadership – Women currently make up just 20-25% of leadership in digital, tech and AI. This needs to change to reflect the wider population and their healthcare needs. We also need to promote and support women innovators to enter femtech and maximise commercial opportunities that improve women’s health.

Policy and Commissioning – Those determining the focus of our health and care policies need to be inclusive and incorporate diversity requirements, ensure that a wide range of women’s voices are heard, and that commissioning reduces gender health gaps.

Data sets – Data sets need to reflect their target audience and not exclude minority groups. Existing data sets may not be inclusive, so trials and data sets need to be designed and analysed with this in mind. This also presents an opportunity where having a comprehensive understanding of the data can result in the development of more tailored care including personalised interventions with the potential to reduce health inequalities.

How important do you think local networks are to support these changes?

Melissa Ream: Change doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it takes work across the entire system, and local hubs are an excellent starting point. By working together locally to understand the problems and bringing together groups to address these problems, we can see real impact. There are important roles for everyone within the industry, from the NHS to individual companies, hubs like Discovery Park and national networks like Barclays Eagle Labs and Health Innovation Networks. If we collaborate, we can make health care more equitable, close the gap and reduce inequalities.

MaryAnn Ferreux: Discovery Park is in an exciting position, embedded in the start-up community but with close links to the NHS and academia, there is opportunity to set a standard and drive this campaign forward. Discovery Park Ventures is already investing in women led femtech companies, and I enjoyed joining the team at Giant Health to discuss the challenges and opportunities in this space.

Discovery Park recently hosted a panel at Giant Health on ‘Unlocking Opportunities in Women’s Healthcare’. The panel was moderated by Sylvia Stevenson, Founder, Absolute Diversity, and featured Dr MaryAnn Ferreux, Medical Director, Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex, Lina Chan, Holland & Barrett General Manager Wellness Ventures and CEO, Founder at Parla, Melisa Guven, Associate, Monograph Capital and Karina Vazirova, Co-Founder & CEO, Femtech Lab.

Health Inequality, News

Report highlights potential of pharmacy sector in tackling health inequalities


The report from Optum identifies the barriers holding the pharmacy sector back from an enhanced role in addressing health inequalities and issues recommendations to allow the sector to take a more prominent role in tackling persistent disparities.

A report from health service innovation company, Optum, has called for an enhanced role for the pharmacy sector to help drive progress on health inequalities. The report, Action on health inequalities: Perspectives from the pharmacy profession, finds that there is an appetite within the sector to contribute more to the health inequality agenda, but that it is stymied by systemic issues and day-to-day challenges which make it difficult to go beyond day-to-day functions.

The report describes the key insights garnered from a roundtable discussion that took place in October 2023. Around 30 senior pharmacy professionals attended the roundtable from across primary and secondary care, integrated care board (ICB) leadership and community pharmacy to answer the question “how can pharmacy and medicines teams take a leading role to close the gap on health inequalities in their communities?”.

Participants were asked to give their views on a range of subjects, including how to define pharmacy’s role in tackling health inequalities; the opportunities for pharmacy professionals to achieve better outcomes for marginalised groups; the barriers from preventing pharmacy from making a broader contribution within their integrated care systems; and possible measures that would enhance the sector’s influence on the health inequalities agenda.

The report makes five recommendations to the pharmacy sector around how it can be empowered, and its role enhanced to help deliver health inequality improvements. These are:

  1. Create a stronger, system-wide understanding of the value pharmacy can bring.
  2. Achieve greater coherence and impact by building a single professional voice.
  3. Give pharmacists the means to make better use of data in a safe, smart and sensible way.
  4. Enhance the training and continuous professional development opportunities available for pharmacists.
  5. Put patients and citizens at the heart of everything we do.

Reframing the value of pharmacy

Pharmacy and medicines management have assumed increasingly prominent roles in recent years, and the two have been placed at the heart of the drive to improve preventative services and tackle health inequalities in the NHS in both the Major Conditions Strategy and NHS England’s Core20PLUS5 programme.

However, the report finds that pharmacy’s potential impact on health inequalities is hampered by the fact that medicines management is too often perceived as a “cost-saving opportunity” by NHS England and ICB financial teams. It calls for a reframing of the debate around pharmacy’s offering, arguing it should centre on the role of pharmacy in creating value for systems, rather than a short-term approach focusing on cost-reduction.

While short-term savings can be found in many areas, the report finds that these savings could be eclipsed were substantive action on health inequalities taken today. It cites figures that the cost of socio-economic inequalities to the NHS acute sector is £4.8bn every year, while people in the most deprived fifth of neighbourhoods account for 72 per cent more emergency admissions than the most affluent fifth. Addressing these trends, the report contends, would contribute more to the health inequalities agenda than any efficiency savings could over the long-term.

The report notes that ICSs, through the work of integrated care partnerships (ICPs), have a clear mandate to reduce the health inequalities gap and that pharmacy has a key role to play in achieving this. However, it identifies a lack of influence of the pharmacy profession at senior levels within ICSs, typified by the fact that not all ICSs have appointed a Chief Pharmacist and not all have full board representation. The report calls on the pharmacy sector itself to organise and come to resemble a single, coherent professional group to strengthen its voice and the impact of its advocacy. It also suggests that the development of “pharmacy collaboratives”, mirroring structures that exist in the provider and primary care sectors, would help the sector to improve its collective presence and impact.

Among other barriers discussed was the sector’s ability to access high-quality patient data from which it can generate meaningful population intelligence about specific cohorts or groups. Data linkage – drawing together data from multiple sources – was identified as being of particular concern, but this remains a troublesome issue across many ICSs. It was noted, however, that data alone cannot tell the whole story about a patient or population group, and that data insights must be paired with community intelligence and co-production to develop truly impactful interventions that will shift the dial on health inequalities.

In his foreword to the report, Chief Medical Officer at Optum UK, Dr Martin McShane, said: “My experience has shown me that the pharmacy profession is one of the NHS’s hidden jewels: agile, inventive, wholly focused on the needs of their patients, pharmacists do so much across primary and secondary care to keep people safe and supported. The recognition they are now getting — as key agents in the national drive to address health inequalities and drive up-stream improvements in preventative care — is both long overdue and a testament to their unique skill set.

“Yet if we want our pharmacist colleagues to make the fullest possible contribution to this agenda, we need to do something the NHS hasn’t always been very good at over the course of my career. And that is, to listen to them, act on their concerns and make them a genuine partner in change.”

The full report can be accessed here.

Inclusive innovation: using community co-innovation to tackle health inequalities and digital exclusion


By Fran Ward, Project Manager, NHS Arden & GEM CSU and Dr Paulina Ramirez, Academic, Birmingham Business School.

Digitalisation of the NHS has the potential to enable more personalised care and improve health outcomes. But it can also widen health inequalities. Some people in communities facing social and economic deprivation, which are also those experiencing the poorest health, find accessing care increasingly difficult as the NHS becomes more digital.

If those most in need of health services become less able to access them, health outcomes for these communities will worsen and the overall cost of healthcare will increase. Integrated care systems (ICSs), therefore, need to maximise the value of their investment in digitalisation by making it work for all their communities, not just the ones they know and understand well.

The ‘Building Inclusive Digital Health Innovation Ecosystems’ research programme, led by University of Birmingham’s Business School and supported by NHS Arden & GEM’s digital transformation team and Walsall Housing Group (whg), explores how community co-innovation could be used to develop digital healthcare that works for diverse communities and reduces the risk of exclusion.

Co-innovation is about understanding and framing problems and taking a bottom-up approach to generating new ideas in response. Specifically, this programme of community co-innovation is socially inclusive by design, creating an opportunity for disadvantaged communities to share their knowledge and lived experience. It gives these communities an equal share of voice alongside commissioners, clinicians and other stakeholders in the development of new digital health technologies or design of new online services.

Peer research

To genuinely hear what more deprived communities need, it is important to rethink how we in the NHS structure engagement to make it easier and more comfortable for those we most want to hear from. Training peer researchers from whg and local voluntary organisations enabled us to build on existing skills, connections and relationships. As trusted members of the community, peer researchers were better able to have relevant conversations within people’s homes, and elicit more honest and open responses on how people access technology and the barriers they face.

The resulting insights challenged some assumptions around barriers to adoption of digital technologies. The main source of inequality was found to be the lack of skills and confidence to engage with online services, with an individual’s type of work or family support structure often having a greater influence on digital proficiency than age, for example. Concerns around data privacy and information sharing were high, causing some not to access potentially valuable support. Despite positive attitudes towards digital in general, many felt digital services such as online GP appointments were not an adequate replacement for face-to-face health services due to a combination of trust, complexity and importance of healthcare in people’s lives.

Simply developing more digital services without addressing these fundamental barriers is inevitably going to limit success.

Changing the nature of engagement

Although good examples of user engagement in digital health services exist, there are constraints too. In particular, technology companies often have little or no engagement with deprived communities so can’t be sure their technology will work for those most likely to have the highest health needs. Alongside peer research, we need to create spaces for co-innovation to happen, bringing together these stakeholders to share information and work together to come up with new ideas.

A locally hosted co-innovation event enabled system partners in the Black Country ICS and health technology companies to hear from and engage with peer researchers and other local community organisations to start putting theory into action. Based on health priorities identified through the peer research, table group discussions addressed challenges such as how to ensure that a mental health app was used by those who most needed it, and how to increase numbers of patients from areas of high deprivation attending diabetes reviews. Peer researchers were able to articulate the day-to-day challenges people in their communities face and why, for example, simplicity and ease of use is often preferable to feature-packed, complex apps.

The event has already resulted in a dedicated task and finish group being set up at NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board to explore how community co-innovation can be applied to issues such as digital GP access. Whg is also keen to continue building a space for co-innovation within its community. More broadly, however, there is a wealth of learning from this approach which can be applied to digital transformation across the country.

Developing best practice

It is clear from this work that input from communities facing social and economic deprivation is essential in finding solutions to some of the nation’s most complex health challenges – and that how we do that is as important as why.

Findings from the ‘Building Inclusive Digital Health Innovation Ecosystems’ research have been used to develop a What good looks like for our communities report to support the NHS Digitalisation Framework. This highlights the need for affordable, simple, safe and inclusive technology that is well integrated with in-person services, guarantees data privacy and is supported with local skills training and support.

We have also developed a playbook to guide ICSs in using community co-innovation to develop digital health services, drawing on the learning from this programme to encourage greater use of this approach across the NHS. After all, there is no point in developing digital services that aren’t going to work for the communities we most need to help.

Photo caption: Peer researchers interviewing community members in their own homes in Walsall.

To find out more about digital inclusion and health inequalities, see: The digital divide: Reducing inequalities for better, prepared by Public Policy Projects.

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities subject to stark access and mental health outcome inequalities, report finds


Suicide rate among Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community is up to seven times higher than for all other communities in England, with poor service provision identified as major factor.

A report published last week says that Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities experience among the starkest inequalities in access to healthcare of any community in England. The report was commissioned by the NHS Race and Health Observatory and was led by The University of Worcester.

It addresses a marked lack of mental health care provision and captures first-hand insights from service users and providers, as well as examples of good practice from six effective services. Most of these services are run by voluntary organisations from within the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller community themselves.

Inequalities in Mental Health Care for Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller Communities estimates that the suicide rate among this group is up to seven times higher for this community than for others, and that life expectancy among the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community is up to 10 years lower than the national average.

It further identifies a lack of access to digital services, low literacy levels, shortage of local and national data collection, and limited financial investment as presenting significant barriers to accessing to local health services and preventing the development of customised services.

Considerable stigma is still attached to mental health concerns within many communities, and a lack of granular data to support tailored services is contributing to the problem of poor access for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.

Data was difficult to fully assess regarding the uptake and impact of services, due in part to the organisations studied not having the resources to collect and analyse such data and also to non-reporting of ethnicity (for fear of discrimination).

In response, Joan Saddler, who is Director of Partnerships and Equality at the NHS Confederation, said: “Leaders will be increasingly concerned about the troubling findings this report has illustrated which show a huge disparity in access, experiences and outcomes for gyspy, roma and traveller communities. These are people’s lives – impacted and in some cases shortened by preventable inequalities.

“We have known for some time that Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities experience poorer care access, experience, and outcomes as a result of discrimination. The Race and Health Observatory report helpfully builds on this, but we must now focus on action. We would welcome the opportunity to be part of a coalition working with NHS England to reduce such inequalities particularly with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities at the heart of creating solutions, so we can take the first step to finally eradicating discrimination.”

National strategy lacking

Professionals’ lack of expertise and knowledge about Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller cultures was further identified as a significant deterrent to take-up of mainstream services. In 2022, Friends, Families and Travellers noted that out of 89 suicide prevention plans in England, only five mentioned Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities and only two listed any action plan strategy.

The government’s latest England Suicide Strategy (2023-2028) mentions the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community twice, but does not afford these communities priority status nor mention them in its associated Action Plan.

Despite the lack of national investment in national mental health care provision, there are many examples of locally organised services doing targeted work with these communities. Researchers visited effective services run in Hertfordshire, Leeds, Lincolnshire, York, Cambridgeshire, and Ireland (the latter due to its provision for young people). Each site represents an example of novel, progressive initiatives which have broken down barriers for Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities in need of mental health support.

These, and more findings, were presented at an online report launch of Inequalities in Mental Health Care for Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller Communities, Identifying Best Practice, on Thursday September 28.

The launch included a presentation of the research around the significant mental health needs of these communities; first-hand experience and insight from those involved in the case study sites; a Q&A and practical recommendations for health and mental health providers to action around the country.

Panellists included representatives of the Observatory’s Mental Health working group, the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Social Work Association and the University of Worcester. Insight gathered over 12 months of research was undertaken in collaboration with research co-authors, Gypsy and Traveller Empowerment Hertfordshire UK (GATE Herts), and the Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Social Work Association (GRTSWA) and involved 70 community and 21 staff members.

“Deeply concerning”

Speaking ahead of the launch, Dr Habib Naqvi, Chief Executive of the NHS Race and Health Observatory said: “We know that Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities face stark challenges in accessing psychological therapies and other mental health services. This report lays bare the mental health issues and stigma faced by these communities first hand. We are pleased to have co-produced with these communities, a clear set of practical, tangible actions and recommendations for more equitable mental healthcare provision.”

Dr Peter Unwin, Principal Lecturer in Social Work, University of Worcester, said: “It has been a pleasure to carry out this research in co- production with community members and to have met so many inspiring people who have developed mental health services against the odds. We should all now work together to ensure that this report on the health inequalities in Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities leads to real change and equality of opportunity.”

Responding to the Race and Health Observatory report, Saffron Cordery, Deputy Chief Executive at NHS Providers, said: “Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) people’s experiences of health services are dented severely by discrimination. It is deeply concerning to see how GRT communities struggle to access mental health services they need.

“There should be no ‘winners and losers’ when it comes to physical and mental health provision. NHS trusts work hard to reduce health inequalities but years of funding cuts to councils’ public health and preventative services mean that already stretched NHS services face more strain.

“Government must tackle the root causes of why some minorities are more likely to have worse physical and mental health outcomes and address barriers and discrimination facing too many groups of people including GRT communities.”