
Improving the cancer patient experience, with David Chuter


Public Policy Projects spoke to patient advocate David Chuter about the experience of cancer patients within the NHS, and how improved co-production and communication can lead to improved patient outcomes and boost participation in trials.

David Chuter was diagnosed with Oesophageal cancer in 2006, has been a carer for his brother who also suffered with Oesophageal cancer, and has been actively involved in patient advocacy since his diagnosis. He is currently Chair of the Surrey OG Cancer Support Group, Chair of Digestive Cancers Europe Patient Group and Chair of EORTC Patient Panel, among other roles.

Communication and informed decisions about care

For meaningful improvement in the delivery of cancer care, patients must be at the heart of all policy decisions. Patients must be able to make more informed decisions about their treatment and care. For this to happen, available treatment and care options must be clearly communicated to patients, or a trusted person if the patient is unable to make the decision, so that they can make informed decisions about their treatment pathway.

Recommendation: A standardized PROMS strategy for cancer treatment should be implemented across the NHS, with outputs that are accessible for patients receiving treatment. This will mean that current patients can learn from the experiences of others, and make informed decisions about their own care, with the knowledge about how treatment options will impact their quality of life.

Trials and research

During our discussion, it emerged that a lack of transparency and communication between services in the NHS is a hinderance to patient participation in trials. Clinicians are not always aware of trials taking place for particular cancers which may be relevant to patients. However, some patients would be willing to travel to take part in relevant trials which have the potential to treat their cancer.

As David highlighted, “every consultant wants to do the best for their patients and provide better care”. If clinicians were better informed about the trials taking place in and around their patch, research would be made more accessible to patients and increase participation.

Recommendation: NHS England should create a central trial/research directory, so that clinicians understand which trials are taking place where, in order that they can direct patients to the appropriate trials for which they are eligible.

Patient trust in trials and data

The safe and appropriate use of patient data is essential for understanding patient outcomes and contributing to research. Often, there are concerns from the public around the safety and security of data collection, storage and use in the NHS.

However, this distrust of data handling appears to be dispelled once a person becomes a patient, and experiences first-hand the value of data sharing and involvement with trials. Consenting to the sharing of patient data and involvement in clinical trials are beneficial for patients in a number of ways. Data sharing generates regional and national insights which can inform clinicians and improve the standard of care. Additionally, involvement in clinical trials can mean early access to innovative and life-saving treatment and care.

Recommendation: Efforts should be made to amplify the voices of patients who can share testimonials of how the correct use of data, and involvement in trials, can contribute to improved care and outcomes.

Recommendation: NHS England should create an openly available directory of national cancer datasets, alongside outcomes of trials and the benefit trials bring. If actively communicated, this will educate the public about the benefits of data sharing and trial involvement and help boost participation.

Patient support groups

Support systems are essential for anyone coping with a cancer diagnosis and the experience of treatment. For those without a strong social network, or who need support from those having similar experiences, support groups are essential to provide comfort, reassurance and companionship for those diagnosed with cancer.

Patients report that patient-to-patient support is important, not only for patients themselves, but also for friends, family and carers who are involved in the care of a loved one. While lots of patient support groups exist across the country, they do not always receive support from the NHS, and patients are not always informed about the support available in their area.

Recommendation: Clinicians should be made aware of local patient support groups, and patients should be signposted to support groups, where appropriate, by their healthcare providers.

Patient apps and digital access

Patients often use apps to manage their appointments and care. However, these apps are not always user-friendly, and patients can find that they are using multiple apps, all with different layouts and functions. For many patients, this can be complex and make managing care via apps difficult. This difficulty is amplified for patients with less digital capability – which often includes older or disabled people.

Recommendation: The NHS app should be used as a central portal for other services currently offered by medical management apps. This should be co-designed with end users to ensure good user experience, and should prioritise ease of use for those who are less digitally confident or able.

This interview took place as part of PPP’s Cancer Care Delivery Plan programme, which culminates in the Cancer Care Conference . To get involved, please contact:

Willy Morris – Partnerships Manager at

Mary Brown – Policy Analyst at

Alongside his roles listed above, David Chuter holds the following positions:

  • Lead and Rest of England Governor, Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS FT
  • Lay member, NHS Leadership Academy
  • Patient Advocate and PPI Panel Interviewer, NIHR Academy
  • PPI Representative to the Partnership Board, NIHR Kent, Surrey and Sussex Clinical Research Network
  • Trustee, ICPV (Independent Cancer Patient Voice)
  • Executive Group Member, use MY data
  • Board member and Chair of the Patient Panel, DiCE (Digestive Cancers Europe)
  • Chair of the Patient Panel, EORTC (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer)
News, Thought Leadership

Creating a consistent and transparent approach to NHS procurement


By Andy Smallwood, Assistant Director of Procurement, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership.

NHS procurement teams face a wide range of challenges, which have been amplified in recent years due to the far-reaching impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, rising levels of inflation, and ongoing workforce pressures.

From identifying cost-saving opportunities to reducing the NHS’ environmental impact through better purchasing decisions, the only way to can enhance the NHS’ procurement processes is by using data effectively and implementing innovative technology solutions to support us.

Identifying challenges in procurement

Having worked in NHS procurement for over 25 years, one of the biggest challenges I’ve repeatedly faced is the lack of access to consistent and transparent data within complicated procurement systems. Data visibility hinders our ability to identify cost-saving opportunities – an essential part of procurement in all walks of life. The challenge is even greater when data is spread across multiple systems and teams, which many procurement teams in England will be aware of, given the ongoing transition to integrated care.

The move to integrated care has left some regional procurement leads with less visibility and control over procurement spend data and analytics, with more data to manage across multiple sites within a region. ​I​n Wales, the NHS has been operating in an integrated way for a while through the NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership, which ensures that the right products, provisions and services are sourced and supplied efficiently and at the right price across the country.

This has only been made possible through the emergence of advanced analytics and solutions which have improved the quality and visibility of data considerably.

Enabling better decision making

To help our procurement team deal with the vast amounts of data being collected and managed across each care setting in Wales, we implemented AdviseInc’s Procurement Dashboard, now known as the AdviseInc Platform. The platform provides us with complete oversight of catalogues and procurement data across the country, while also enabling us to add more detailed classification to spend, including all the major clinical categories.

By working with AdviseInc, who act as an extension of our team, we now have the ability to cleanse our data, compare this data with areas outside of Wales, and have visibility of greater savings and richer information as a result.

AdviseInc also provides us with valuable analytical support, meaning that instead of analysing rafts of procurement data and manually searching for cost-saving opportunities, our team has more time to focus on other key areas of procurement.

For example, we can now dedicate more time to consider how our procurement decisions align with objectives set out in the Future Generations Act. This was introduced in 2015 to make sure public bodies in Wales think about the long-term impact of their decisions and work collaboratively to prevent persistent problems such as poverty, health inequalities and climate change.

Using data analytics to improve safety and accuracy

For NHS procurement teams, environmental considerations should be made with every purchasing decision. Along with buying fewer overseas products and reducing the number of single-use plastics across the NHS, procurement teams need to spend more time innovating and contributing towards green initiatives, which is where companies like AdviseInc can make a tremendous impact. The solution is helping us meet national and local targets and gives us the ability to clearly target actions and deliver against carbon reduction targets.

It goes without saying that safety is a top priority for all NHS staff, from clinical staff to administration to procurement. In 2016, the Scan4Safety programme was introduced across England and Wales, with the aim of ensuring all products are labelled according to GS1 standards with a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). This safety system is being implemented across the country, contributing to improved patient safety, product traceability, operational productivity and supply chain efficiency.

Across Wales, we’re now identifying hundreds of thousands of product barcodes and collecting as much information on these products as possible. So far, we’ve identified more than 170,000 products with barcode information and shared these with AdviseInc who can validate these barcodes, resulting in richer data. The AdviseInc team can then give a confidence rating for these codes to indicate if the data is reliable, as sometimes suppliers provide inaccurate product codes.

Additionally, AdviseInc has helped to identify more than 230,000 barcodes. The added benefit of being able to check these codes against existing data adds another level of safety for patients as stock can be recalled through the GTIN number which is also linked to patient records.

As always in procurement, our goal is to ensure products are coming from the correct supplier. Through the AdviseInc Platform we can check GTIN numbers, further adding another layer of accuracy. Looking to the future, our teams are working with AdviseInc on an inventory model which will act as a ‘one-stop shop’ for data analytics. This model will give users the ability to see what stock is available, who bought it and when.

The use of data to make informed decisions

Thanks to these new capabilities, we now have more time to collaborate with our clinical staff, using our data to inform and guide procurement decisions. By bringing our procurement team and clinicians together, we can find solutions that work for everyone.

Procurement teams face many challenges, but then use of technology can make workflows easier and more efficient. Better use of technology allows us to identify cost-savings, support green initiatives, and generate genuine value through procurement decision-making for both patients and staff. The future of procurement is transparent, and data-driven.

News, Workforce

How industry can help deliver the ambitions of the NHS Workforce Plan


The long-awaited NHS Long Term Workforce Plan (NHS LTWP) was published at the end of June and has been broadly welcomed across the healthcare system.

The NHS in England is under increasing pressure. By 2037, the number of people aged over-85 is estimated to grow by 55 per cent, which means there will be an ageing population who will require more healthcare interventions and more care for long-term conditions and co-morbidities. The NHS currently has the longest waiting times and lowest satisfaction rates ever recorded which has been demotivating for employees and frustrating for patients.

The current NHS workforce challenges have impacted the whole of the healthcare system and can delay people receiving the best treatments available. Once a treatment is approved by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) there needs to be the capacity for it to be rolled out, including any additional training requirements and this will have an impact on industry partners if new treatments are not utilised.

There are examples of fast-paced innovation within cancer treatments, but the adoption is slowed by a stretched and understaffed system – following the long-term impacts of the pandemic – that does not have protected time to embed new approaches. Collaboration between sectors is also crucial to support adoption at scale. If these workforce challenges are not addressed, patients will not be able to access the right healthcare when they need it.

There are three big ambitions laid out in the NHS LTWP:

  • Recruitment – there is a focus on a big recruitment drive into roles in the NHS and into training places. As there are currently shortfalls in almost every area of the NHS, particularly in frontline care, this needs to be a priority.
  • Retention – a large number of professionals leave the NHS every year, so focusing on how the NHS keeps the people who are already employed is essential if they are going to meet the increasing demand on the system.
  • Retraining – there is more to training than getting new people into the workforce – it is also recognising that to make the NHS future proof, more needs to be done to support the current and future workforce to embrace new technology. This needs to address how the whole health system embraces new ways of working and developments in technology. There can’t be fast adoption of new technologies if the training and skills aren’t quickly put into place for the workforce and patients.

Although the NHS LTWP has been broadly welcomed by the healthcare system, there are some very clear omissions that will make it hard to deliver. There is no mention of infrastructure, meaning that capital investment isn’t aligned to the planned workforce investment. Many of the current hospital buildings in use are not fit for purpose and it was recently announced that the target to build 40 new hospitals by 2030 is likely to be missed.

“There is an opportunity for industry to think about how new technologies can address some of these pressures in the system.”

This NHS LTWP does not include social care and is not aligned to a similar reform of our social care system, which is currently suffering from many of the same challenges as the NHS in terms of increased demand on services with a reduced workforce. If the healthcare and social care systems do not receive investment simultaneously, then one will take on the burden of the other, as they are intrinsically linked.

The NHS LTWP talks about innovation in robotics which has dramatically reduced how long patients need to stay in hospital; for example, heart surgery often now requires a shorter stay in hospital due to technological advances. However, these technologies often need to be accommodated in modern facilities, which means new capital investment. Furthermore, without appropriately resourcing the social care system, many patients are not able to move out of hospital when they are ready to.

Many of the ambitions laid out in the NHS LTWP will take time to deliver, so there is an opportunity for industry to think about how new technologies can address some of these pressures in the system. Those in industry can position themselves to make relevant value propositions and be part of the discussions over the coming years.

The education piece in the NHS LTWP is also interesting for industry, as there are plans to accelerate how people are trained, meaning that there could potentially be a role for life sciences to support with this. IQVIA’s work in population health management and service redesign will also continue to help address workforce challenges, especially when aligned and augmented with IQVIA’s clinical services.

This NHS LTWP is highly innovative, but there is no mention about how it is going to be funded, which raises questions around whether it will actually deliver what is needed for the NHS. This is especially true given the current issues within social care, but by working collaboratively with industry, there is an opportunity to bring in experts to look into niche, innovative solutions.

Stephen Jowett is Senior Director and Head of Healthcare Consulting at IQVIA.


Specialist app use sees unnecessary skin cancer referrals drop by 80 per cent


Norfolk and Waveney GPs’ use of app that directly connects them with hospital dertmatology consultants prompts drastic fall in number of unnecessary referrals.

A specialist app being used by GPs in Norfolk and Waveney has helped the integrated care system (ICS) reduce unnecessary hospital referrals for suspected skin cancer by 79.6 per cent, analysis of patient pathways has found.

The app, Cinapsis, was designed by an NHS surgeon and enables GPs to contact local hospital consultants directly to request a second opinion and decide whether or not a referral to urgent care is needed. Its use has been credited with enabling the ICSs to manage more cases within primary care settings, reducing the burden on secondary care and enabling urgent cases to receive more timely treatment.

There are currently 7,800 patients waiting to start specialist treatment in Norfolk and Waveney, and routine referrals for specialist dermatology treatment in Norfolk take up to 57 weeks. Using the app, however, GPs can receive specialist advice from a consultant dermatologist within 48 hours, allowing them to determine the severity of the presenting case.

Using a specialist camera attachment – a dermatoscope – which fits to the GP’s own phone, clinical-grade photos of the worrying skin lesion can be captured and sent securely to the consultant via the app. The specialist can then review the lesion remotely, and decide whether they need to see the patient in clinic, or if they can instead be treated outside of hospital.

The project has been rolled out across 86 GP surgeries in the region so far, with plans to implement it across all 105 practices in Norfolk and Waveney over the coming months.

Discussing the app’s impact in Norfolk and Waveney, Dr Paul Everden, GP at North Norfolk Primary Care, commented:“The roll-out of the teledermatology project in Norfolk and Waveney has been transformative in supporting our clinicians across primary and secondary care to collaborate and streamline referrals for urgent skin care. This partnership with Cinapsis is allowing us to tackle growing wait lists while maintaining optimal outcomes for our patients and clinicians.

The technology has opened up more collaborative communication channels, enabling more joint, holistic decision making. It is helping us to meet the increasing demand for dermatology in Norfolk and Waveney effectively and sustainably. The project marks a turning point in reducing wait times and consequently, the burden placed on urgent care services.”

Dr Owain Rhys Hughes, CEO and Founder of Cinapsis, said: “Supporting NHS staff to reduce unnecessary referrals, tackle wait lists and speed up patient access to urgent care is something that our team is so proud to be helping achieve. It’s been a pleasure working with North Norfolk Primary Care to help deliver this through the teledermatology project, and to see the significant impact that digital advice and guidance has had on the number of cases being kept within primary care.

“It’s great to be assisting primary and secondary care clinicians across Norfolk to help implement this initiative and roll it out across an increasing number of practices. We’re looking forward to continuing this support and ensuring the best outcomes are maintained for clinicians and patients alike.”

Digital first – but digital eats last


Digital health policy expert, Roger Greer, says that government action on its ‘digital-first’ plans must match its ambition.

The NHS has just turned 75, and across the country, parkruns, bake-offs and blue light-ups on buildings have taken place to celebrate this anniversary. The government celebrated the NHS’s 75th birthday with a present of its own: the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan, aimed at ensuring “an ambitious, sustainable and resilient NHS, there for patients now and for future generations”.

The NHS has felt more turbulence and change in the past five-to-10 years than at any point in the preceding 70. The Covid pandemic’s impact on the NHS has been severe, and the health service will suffer with the effects of long-Covid like many patients across the country. Its impact is still being felt by patients and services in every part of the UK. But as well as the negative impacts, Covid was also a catalysing event for the NHS in its use of data and digital technologies.

Prior to Covid, the NHS App had around 500,000 users. It now has over 30 million users, and is a key foundation of the government’s plan to digitise the NHS and make it more fit for the future. Could this have been the case prior to the pandemic and the mandated use of Covid passes? That’s up for debate; but the public health emergency provided the opportunity to seek solutions in innovation.

The Workforce Plan is not so much a big bang event; but it could have a significant impact on health and care policy over the next 10-15 years. The challenge is ensuring that it meets the data and digital needs of the NHS, and delivers the ambitions of a digital-first health service.

The challenge

Despite this digital-first ambition, it is digital and data strategies that are often last to the funding table. As soon as there are frontline challenges, NHS England’s budget for data and digital is the first to be cut. This means that the advancements in key digital and data infrastructure, digital skills and implementing innovation fall even further behind where they should be.

That is not to say the NHS has not thought significantly about data and digital – there have been 21 documents that touch on data policy released by the government in the past 18 months (HT to Jess Morley for collating).

Priority 3 in the NHS’s 2023 mandate is: “Deliver recovery through the use of data and technology”. The Health and Social Care Committee’s report on digitisation of the NHS touched on the need to ensure a digitally-literate workforce. The Workforce Plan also has explicit aims around training in data and digital.

So, what does the Workforce Plan say about the future of digital and data skills in the NHS?

  • Nationally, the NHS Digital Academy has been established as the home for digital learning and development.
  • With NHS Providers, the Digital Boards Programme has delivered over 80 trust board development sessions to date.
  • The NHS Health Education England (HEE) framework for spread and adoption of workforce innovation sets out an approach for systems to follow.
  • NHS England, HEE and NHS Digital are now a single organisation and can develop tools, training and resources to support workforce redesign in practice, such as:
    • Skills mix blueprints for local adaptation and adoption.
    • Training programmes to build ICB capability in workforce transformation approaches such as the HEE Star and the six-step workforce planning approach.

The Government clearly recognises the potential positive impact that data and digital can play in making the NHS fit for the next 75 years; but also to solve some of its short term challenges. However, it is only a starting point, and is not nearly ambitious enough to deliver on the needs for the NHS right now.

More importantly, the challenge with policy is in the delivery. For every new plan or report which is published, there are 5 previous incarnations sitting on shelves of Departments in Victoria Street, and on the desks of consultants brought in to deliver them.

The conditions for delivery are in place. The Government has merged NHSX and NHS Digital into NHS England, alongside Health Education England, aligning digital, data and the training within one department, which “allows us to better align and co-ordinate planning and action, at every level of the service, so we can have the greatest possible impact for staff and, by extension, patients and citizens.”

The success or failure of the NHS to train for digital and data will be the scale of financial and technical support provided to deliver on the Government’s promises, and how far frontline challenges are allowed to overtake data and digital policy as priorities in the near term.

The delivery of this plan will also be impacted by the current political backdrop, the health backlog and the looming General Election, which will bring its own challenges, particularly in the event that Labour form the next Government.

Hope vs reality

Can digital and data be at the forefront of health policy in the next 10-15 years? It has to be. The NHS cannot move into 2024 and beyond with only a nod towards digital and data. It has the power to have such a huge and positive impact on the sector; on the way the NHS manages population health and individual care; how it plans services; how it conducts research into the latest treatments; how it interacts with patients on a day-to-day basis; and on how patients receive care and treatment.

The NHS needs not only a workforce plan fit for purpose, adaptable, and able to be delivered across the next 10-15 years; but wider support for those innovators who are delivering the tech and digital and data services. This means proper reimbursement and pathway to market for innovation.

The Workforce Plan is only one part of how the NHS becomes a modern, adaptable service. It requires all parts of the system to align around the power of data and digital. If it gets there, is the challenge, and one which it has failed to fully deliver on to date.

Roger Greer is Associate Director at PLMR Healthcomms and was previously Senior Stakeholder Engagement Officer at NHS Digital.

News, Thought Leadership, Workforce

Digital innovation will be key to realising ambitions of the Workforce Plan – Richard Stubbs


Responding to the NHS Workforce Plan, CEO of the Yorkshire & Humber AHSN, Richard Stubbs, argues that plan’s success will depend on the adoption of digital innovation and the creation of a digitally-capable workforce.

Workforce pressures remain one of the greatest challenges facing the health and care system, with ever-increasing and diversifying demands of the population driving the need for greater system capacity. It is implausible to imagine that we will continue to expand our workforce to meet future demand in a sustainable way. As well as supporting and championing our workforce, we need to also explore new ways of working by unlocking the power of digital, introducing new models for delivering services which will enable our staff to spend more time on activities that directly benefit patient care.

These ambitions are reinforced by the recently published NHS Long Term Workforce Plan, majoring on training and retaining our healthcare workforce, alongside the need to reform our ways of working and workforce training offer.

Digital technology, data, AI, and robotics offer numerous opportunities to address system capacity challenges and enable patients to receive timely, high-quality care. For example, the PinPoint blood test optimises NHS urgent cancer referral pathways so patients in greatest need are seen first, whereas the Digibete online platform supports better management of young people with diabetes and helps prevent unplanned hospital admissions.

These innovations will never replace care delivered by people and the specialist skills of our health and care workforce, nor is it an alternative to safe levels of staffing. Instead, it should be an integral part of a modern health and care system’s approach to coping with increasing demand. However, as around 22 per cent of the UK population lack basic digital skills, digital technology needs to be introduced in a way which doesn’t exacerbate existing inequalities. As the Digital Divide report I supported in conjunction with Public Policy Projects recommended, we need to avoid a ‘digital-by-default’ approach, and instead, ensure that adoption of digital technology is sensitive to the needs and challenges of different population groups.

As the Long Term Workforce Plan acknowledges, adoption of digital technology needs to take place alongside digital skills training for the workforce, enabling them to continue providing high quality care aided by digital technology. The linkages between digital technology and health inequalities should also be further highlighted within the workforce, helping mitigate inequalities caused by future introduction of ‘digital by default’ services.

“ICSs’ intrinsic knowledge of the populations they serve will also help to ensure that digitally enabled services don’t exacerbate existing health inequalities.”

ICSs have a critical role in delivering the Long Term Workforce Plan and mitigating current workforce challenges by bringing together workforce, clinical, and service planning and implementing digital solutions which unlock system capacity and deliver patient and system benefits. ICSs’ intrinsic knowledge of the populations they serve will also help to ensure that digitally enabled services don’t exacerbate existing health inequalities. The fifteen Academic Health Science Networks also have a role to play in supporting ICSs to match local need with evidence-backed innovations and supporting equitable adoption and spread of innovation across services.

We can only fundamentally address our current workforce challenges by reimagining the way we deliver health and care. Digital and tech transformation has been the journey for almost all non-health sectors over the last few decades. ICSs and AHSNs will be fundamental in driving this transformation, ensuring digital technology is adopted in a way which supports our workforce, meets local demand and reduces inequalities in access to services.

Richard Stubbs is CEO of the Yorkshire & Humber AHSN, an organisation that connects NHS and academic organisations, local authorities, the third sector and industry to facilitate change across health and social care economies. Prior to becoming CEO, Richard was AHSN’s Commercial Director.

Community Care, News, Primary Care

New report highlights how pharmacy can redefine role within NHS

National Pharmacy Association

The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has published a new report outlining how independent pharmacies are ready to redefine their role within the NHS. 

The NPA has published a medium-term prospectus for the development of pharmacy services, calling it a challenge to old ways of thinking and an opportunity to redefine the sector’s role in the NHS. 

It follows months of dialogue with NPA members about what a clinical future could look like for the sector. 

The document, Making Changes, Meeting Needs, will be shared with the King’s Fund and Nuffield Trust who are currently working on a new vision for the future on behalf of Community Pharmacy England. 

Among the ambitions in the NPA’s prospectus are: 

  1. Improve the management of long-term conditions such as asthma, hypertension, heart failure and diabetes. 
  2. Expand preventative interventions to help make the NHS a wellness, health-inequality reversing service. 
  3. Shift focus from a downstream dispensing role to an end-to-end prescription management role, with a focus on good pharmaceutical outcomes. 
  4. Become the go-to professionals for optimising the use of medicines, including upgraded Structured Medication Reviews and post-discharge reconciliation. 
  5. Offer prompt and accurate diagnosis, risk stratification based upon genotype and the capacity for personalised treatments. 
  6. Increase medicines safety right across the care pathway.
  7. Build on hospital touchpoints – preparing people going into hospital for elective care, give them a soft landing back into the community and reduce readmissions. 
  8. Dramatically improve access to primary care. 
Making changes, meeting needs
Credit: National Pharmacy Association

With informed policy-making and sufficient public investment, NHS community pharmacy could during the remainder of the 2020s develop much further as a clinical care and safe medicines supply service, in ways that will cost effectively benefit patients, public and the NHS, the document states. 

NPA Chair, Nick Kaye, said: “Building out from the existing portfolio of services, there are some major opportunities within this decade, encompassing prevention, medicines optimisation, long term medical conditions and urgent care. 

“We are seeking to challenge orthodoxies that have limited the sector’s scope for too long.  At the same time, these ideas are firmly planted in reality because our start-point is what our paymasters in the NHS want, not what we can dream up. 

“Some of this is about redrawing the borders of pharmacy practice – for example applying pharmacogenomics to pharmacist prescribing. 

“Other aspects are about re-imagining what is our domain as a sector; we are rightly based firmly in the community but our impact ought to be felt and formalised across the entire system, including hospitals.  We need to be ‘in the community but out of the box’. 

“We are confident that the large majority of NPA members – by their nature innovators – are open to the idea of ambitious, transformative change.” 

While pushing the boundaries of clinical service development, the NPA says it is also clear that the safe supply of medicines should continue to be a foundation stone upon which other pharmacy-based support is built. 

In a foreword to the document, Dr Claire Fuller, Chief Executive of the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System, praised the NPA for backing a “can-do agenda” for the sector. “This is the kind of thinking – based in an understanding of what commissioners need – that makes people like me sit up and take notice”, she said. 

Making Changes, Meeting Needs lists the enablers that would need to be in place in order to turn these ambitions into reality. They include digital connectivity, a boost to workforce and a supportive national contractual framework (in May, the NPA published its ‘New Deal for Community Pharmacy in England’ which describes such a framework). 

The NPA is inviting people to offer feedback on their report, please write to

News, Workforce

Damaging NHS disputes hindering progress on productivity, finds survey


Trusts making progress on NHS targets and taking steps to boost productivity but concern mounting about staff morale and burnout as operational pressures take their toll.

Ongoing industrial action presents a major operational and financial challenge for NHS trusts, and is hindering all trusts’ ability to recover productivity, according to a new survey carried out NHS Providers. It highlights the scale of the task ahead for the NHS, as it simultaneously grapples with increasing numbers of patients with complex conditions staying in hospital for longer, emergency care pressures and limited bed capacity, exacerbated by the crisis-hit social care sector.

Trusts across hospital, community, mental health and ambulance services have made significant early progress towards meeting care backlogs for urgent and emergency care, cancer tests, long waits and diagnostic services as they strive to deliver better outcomes for patients, say NHS Providers.

They have introduced a range of measures to boost productivity in the NHS – delivering more care with existing resources – including targeted initiatives to improve staff health, wellbeing and retention alongside efforts to help discharge patients faster and adapting their buildings to treat more patients.

But trusts are now warning that eight consecutive months of industrial action across the NHS are taking their toll on efforts to cut waiting lists, with more than 651,000 routine procedures and appointments rescheduled so far and many tens of thousands more likely to be delayed as the health service faces back-to-back walkouts by junior doctors, consultants and radiographers in the coming days.

“Increasingly hard to improve productivity”

The new survey by NHS Providers, Stretched to the limit: tackling the NHS productivity challenge, outlines the scale and complexity of the challenge ahead, particularly as trust leaders count the cost of industrial action given the disruption to planned care, and increasing costs due to agency spend and the impact of consultant rate cards.

The Chief Executive of NHS Providers, Sir Julian Hartley, said: “Leaders and staff are working flat-out to cut waiting lists and to see patients as quickly as possible in the face of major obstacles.

“With waiting lists at a record high, trusts are keenly aware of the need to carry out more operations, treatments and scans. They are doing everything they can to see more patients more quickly and to deliver better quality care, including introducing virtual wards and new initiatives to speed up hospital discharge and offer more care at home.

“However, it is increasingly hard to improve productivity because of staff burnout, high turnover, vacancies, a rising number of patients with more complex conditions, stretched community and social care capacity, and fewer hospital beds per person than comparable countries.

Trusts are also warning that it will be very difficult to deliver the government’s overall demands in terms of performance while delivering unprecedented efficiencies, seeking to protect quality of care for patients.

The survey finds that:

  • Almost nine in ten (89 per cent) trust leaders said the scale of the efficiency task is more challenging than it was last year.
  • Almost three in four (73 per cent) did not think they had access to sufficient capital funding over 2023/24 to cover the costs of vital repairs to buildings and equipment.
  • Nearly two thirds (61 per cent) were not confident that they and their system partners would hit targets to reduce long waits for mental health care.
  • Fewer than half (43 per cent) expect to meet an interim recovery target of 76 per cent of A&E attendances to be seen within four hours during 2023/24.

The findings reveal widespread worry among trusts about having to deliver more for less as budgets, staff and resources are stretched to the limit, leaving trust leaders facing increasingly difficult dilemmas about how to sustain services in the future.

Despite an overall increase in workforce numbers and the welcome promise of more staff in the future through the new long-term workforce plan, rising concerns about staff morale and burnout also continue to play heavily on trust leaders’ minds. They are contending with 112,000 vacancies across the health service in England with staffing numbers and skill mix failing to keep pace with growing and changing demand.

This is piling on the pressure, with trust leaders identifying discharge delays, relentless demand on emergency care, a lack of investment in social care and a dependency on agency staff as the biggest barriers to returning to pre-pandemic levels of productivity.

They are clear that capital investment in the NHS estate is also key to boosting productivity. This would allow trusts to expand bed capacity and community provision, deliver digital transformation, bear down on care backlogs and eliminate the persistent inefficiencies created by creaking buildings and equipment.

But with the NHS capital maintenance backlog now exceeding £10bn, and only a handful of trusts benefitting from much-needed investment through the New Hospital Programme, a great many more need urgent major capital investment to overhaul their ageing estates to achieve better – and safer – outcomes for patients.

Sir Julian Harley added: “Industrial action also poses a significant financial risk to trusts, given the disruption to planned care, and increasing costs due to agency spend and the impact of consultant rate cards.

“The new long-term workforce plan with its focus on recruitment, training and retention could finally put the NHS workforce on a sustainable footing if commitments are made to keep it updated and funded. But the benefits of that plan can only be reaped with a wider focus on productivity and its enablers, many of which we explore in this report, such as investment in management capacity and capital.

“If we are to ramp up productivity across the NHS, we need a step change in capital investment to provide more beds, more community care, a digital revolution, a safe and comfortable therapeutic environment, and appropriate support for social care.”

Digital Implementation, News

Digital appointments could save the NHS £167 million per year: report


Opening new digital pathways could free up capacity and help reduce NHS elective care backlog

Giving patients greater digital control over their hospital appointments could avoid 1.6 million unnecessary appointments and create a national annual system saving of £167 million, according to a new report commissioned by, patient engagement platform supplier, DrDoctor.

The report, commissioned by DrDoctor, a patient engagement platform supplier, and conducted by health economics consultancy Edge Health, analysed NHS outpatient appointment data. It suggests that allowing patients to request appointments using Patient Initiated New Appointments (PINAs) and Patient Initiated Follow-Ups (PIFUs) could significantly help to reduce the backlog in NHS elective care.

Reducing outpatient follow-up appointments

The data reveals that putting patients on digitised PIFU pathways for both high-volume, low complexity conditions and smaller volume, higher-complexity conditions could lead to at least 1.18 fewer outpatient follow-up appointments per patient. If implemented nationally, this could free up the waiting list for 1.4 million hospital appointments, creating capacity for more patients to be seen, and saving the NHS £167.2 million per year.

The report finds that the average time between the first appointment and follow-up appointments is also longer when patients are on a digital PIFU pathway. This indicates that when patients can initiate follow-up appointments themselves, they are likely to wait longer, which in turn creates more capacity for new patients to be seen, reducing waiting times further.

Supporting the elective backlog recovery

Edge Health examined the use of DrDoctor’s solutions at two of its customer sites, including PIFU and PINA tools at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) in their physiotherapy services. The time and cost savings from more than 50 million outpatient appointments were applied to a national rollout to calculate the overall impact in the NHS.

The report finds that patients with mild symptoms for low complexity conditions may not need a first appointment at all. Using a digital PINA pathway to address this could reduce the number of people waiting for hospital appointments by more than 210,000, freeing up appointments for patients who need clinical care.

Tom Whicher, CEO at DrDoctor, welcomed the research findings and said: “This report demonstrates much-needed real-world evidence on the benefits of PINA and PIFU at scale. Given that the national target for 5 per cent of outpatient attendances using digital PIFU was recently dropped, the report should give confidence to providers on how these processes, enabled by digital tools, play a vital role in tackling the backlog and creating efficiency savings.”

GSTT has been using DrDoctor’s PIFU tool for musculoskeletal and hand therapy services since January 2022. The report found that more than 70 per cent of physiotherapy patients on a PIFU pathway chose not to return for a second appointment, compared to 44 per cent of non-PIFU patients. A greater number of PIFU patients also chose to request follow-up appointments later than those not on the PIFU pathway (84 per cent had it in 120 days or under vs 88 per cent in 90 days or under).

The report also finds that PIFU led to many patients requiring fewer outpatient appointments, creating capacity to reallocate these appointments to patients with more complex care needs who need to be seen more frequently. The ability to reallocate these appointments has created capacity for an additional 9,268 patients, at the value of £719,476 per year.

Rashida Pickford, Consultant Physiotherapist, GSTT, was involved in the research and said: “The analysis shows the benefits of using technology to give patients more control over their appointments. Avoiding clinically unnecessary appointments means we can provide a better patient experience and free up much-needed time for clinical and administrative staff.”

The report also concluded that from the patient’s perspective, demographic factors such as age, do not limit engagement with digital PIFU pathways. Tom Whicher added: “Often there are concerns about digitisation because it isn’t accessible for everyone. And whilst that can be true, this report confirms that it’s often an exception rather than the rule.”

DrDoctor helps manage around 25 per cent of NHS outpatient booking activity and provides digital PIFU, PINA and patient engagement services in over 45 healthcare organisations.

News, Population Health

PPP’s Population Health Management Collaboration Framework


A new framework from PPP enables ICSs and business to assess and measure the progress of their collaboration on population health management.

Over the first half of 2023, PPP ran a series of roundtables for our Population Health in Business series, to analyse and explore the impact of business on the health of local populations, and explore how this impact can be leveraged to deliver benefits to businesses, workforces and communities. As the report highlights, ensuring that local business activity is sensitive and responsive to local health challenges requires close collaboration between business and local authority leaders. This collaboration, ideally, should occur within the framework of the integrated care partnership (ICP).

ICPs are intended to allow ICS leaders to “bring together a broad alliance of partners concerned with improving the care, health and wellbeing of the population”, as well as spearheading the integrated care strategy for a given system. Each ICS can decide which partners are included in the ICP, however suggested partners include local Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs), social care providers and members of the VCSE sector.

As conveners of local health-relevant organisations beyond the NHS, ICPs have the potential to rebalance the focus of health and care away from acute hospital settings and towards the broader health needs and goals of communities. This will empower organisations not traditionally involved in health-related decisions to make more active contributions to public health outcomes. Businesses have the potential to serve as partners in the delivery of a health inequalities strategy given their impact on their workforce and surrounding communities, and grow the impact of assessments such as the JSNAs already produced by HWBs.

The PPP PHM Collaboration Framework – part 1 of 2 (click to enlarge)

Joining up business and public health

By bridging the gap between public services and local industry, ICPs can support and monitor actions taken by businesses to create healthy workplaces and support employee health, assisting in setting priorities and objectives and advising on health and wellbeing issues. ICPs can also serve as forums of communication and alignment between ICSs, businesses and local health-relevant organisations, enabling businesses to contribute more effectively to community health.

ICPs could also play a central role in enabling better public-private data exchange, which will be crucial in determining the quality and impact of PHM insights. As a broad alliance of partners, ICPs can provide a forum through which businesses and local authorities can improve the accessibility and availability of data. While the needs and capabilities of businesses with regards to data usage vary significantly within an ICS region, the development of PHM strategies is ultimately a process that caters to the needs of a specific population reflected in health-relevant data collected and held by businesses.

The full Population Health in Business report can be accessed here.

Where businesses are able to share insights and collaborate to improve health outcomes within the same population (both with one another and with local authorities), there is a significantly greater opportunity for mutual needs to avail themselves – thereby laying the groundwork for more effective collaboration. The blueprints for such a collaboration can then be shared between ICSs and with central authorities such as DHSC, and local government including the Local Government Association and the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, to facilitate their development of data standards as recommended by the Hewitt Review.

However, though the report suggests that businesses should collaborate with one another and local authorities, using the ICP as a connecting forum, it must be recognised that many of these partnerships remain underdeveloped and that their progress is likely to be asymmetric. It is therefore necessary that businesses take an active role in assessing the strength of their own actions on health inequalities and their collaborations with local authorities.

PPP’s PHM Collaboration Framework – part 2 of 2 (click to enlarge)

A framework for collaboration

There are ongoing concerns within ICSs around the challenges of balancing the unique local needs and priorities of regions with national standards. In order for all ICPs to partner with local businesses in achieving improved regional health, collaboration and data sharing frameworks should be utilised to ensure consistent goals and progress across regions with different priorities, while avoiding duplication and so as not to discourage inter-ICS collaboration.

In order to support businesses and ICPs to implement the findings and recommendations from the series, PPP has crafted a suggested framework for ICS and businesses to collaborate and measure progress.

The framework is intended to compliment other matrices, such as the Leeds City Council Business Progression Framework, the JRF Business Progression Framework (both assembled by Les Newby and Nicky Denison), and the ICS Maturity Matrix (created by Cathy Elliott). These matrices provide examples of best practice and rough guides for organisations to evaluate their own progress as health-enhancing institutions. As such, the PPP PHM Collaboration Framework is intended to guide businesses to evaluate their own progress towards partnering with local authorities and interacting against local health systems to develop robust preventative healthcare and target causes of ill health.

The full Population Health in Business report can be accessed here.