February 12, 2025
Managing the rising tide of polypharmacy
Sima Jassal, Clinical Director at EMIS Health, and Meera Parkash, Senior Clinical Facilitator at Optum, outline the key findings from a new Optum white paper looking at how integrated care systems can strengthen their approach to managing polypharmacy and addressing cases of harmful overprescribing.
October 28, 2024
10-Year Health Plan must address cancer care failings identified by Darzi
From improving access to care and diagnosis to addressing treatment delays, Lord Darzi’s recent independent investigation highlights the complex web of challenges facing the NHS. In doing so, it also offers a series of starting points for the upcoming 10-Year Health Plan to address.
September 9, 2024
From fragmentation to integration: Lessons for the NHS from New Zealand
When David Meates became CEO of New Zealand's Canterbury District Health Board in 2009, he took charge of a system that was "broken and fragmented". 11 years later, the system's fortunes were transformed. At a recent event, Meates shared his experiences and lessons from Canterbury's transformation, offering vital insight for the NHS as it continues its own journey from fragmentation to integration.
August 2, 2024
ONS and Business for Health partner to enhance the ONS Health Index
The Index will capture a wide range of health inputs, including wider societal and economic determinants, to fill the evidence gap on the interplay between health, business and work and encourage businesses to take responsibility for their impacts on health.
July 15, 2024
Harnessing innovation to deliver medicines optimisation at scale
In this case study, Meera Parkash, Clinical Facilitator, Population Health Management at Optum UK, discusses how medicines optimisation can help free up pharmacy capacity and deliver key improvements to population health management.
March 15, 2024
Rehab for all: fixing the NHS rehab access gap
ICU nurse and creator of the Right to Rehab Campaign, Kate Tantam, shares her perspective on the importance of universal access to rehabilitation in the NHS.
March 14, 2024
Unpacking cancer disparities in England
Despite major gains in diagnosis and treatment, England continues to experience high disparities in cancer outcomes, with social and financial deprivation major drivers.

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Integrated Care Journal
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  • ISSN: 2517-2662