North Lincs and Goole replace data warehouse in preparation for shared digital services across region
NLaG chose Insource as strategic data management partner – initially as unified data foundation across three hospitals and community services.
Insource has been chosen by Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLaG) as its foundational data management platform and ultimately as a joint strategic solution in its move towards shared digital services with partner trust, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
The partnership falls under the NHS Digital Aspirant programme, which is providing funds to nearly 60 NHS trusts to facilitate digitisation and help deliver a set of core digital capabilities. It is hoped that Insource’s platform, Health Data Enterprise, will see a significant upgrade to NLaG’s ageing data infrastructure system.
Christopher Evans, Associate Director of Information Systems, for NLaG commented, “whilst this is initially about replacing our ageing data warehouse, the core decision is primarily to ensure strategic alignment and collaboration between our two organisations. We already have a shared vision between NLaG and HUTH and we will be merging onto a single platform across both organisations within the next couple of years. What Insource gives us is data consistency and continuity of reporting across the wider regional footprint while we redesign clinical services and pathways to meet our integrated care goals.”
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLaG) serves a population of more than 450,000 people covering North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire and East Riding of Yorkshire. The Trust runs three hospitals: Diana, Princess of Wales in Grimsby, Scunthorpe General Hospital, Goole and District Hospital and also provides a range of community services across North and North East Lincolnshire.